Guardian Angel (Pt. 1)

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Guardian Angel AU. Will have multiple parts.

Crowley stared out the window while his history professor droned on. The world was bleak. He lost all motivation to live two years ago.

During times like these, he fidgeted with a gold ring on his left hand. The familiar engravings gave him a little peace.

He let his mind wander and it settled to three years prior. He was ditching class with his boyfriend for their one year anniversary. It was a sunny day and they were walking in the park. They joked around and his friend decided to make his day.

Getting on one knee, the shorter of the two slipped a gold ring off his pinky. "Anthony. Take this as my promise to you to love you and stay by your side."

A week later, Crowley's world came crashing down around him. His boyfriend was missing. No one knew what happened to him. The last person to see him was Crowley's ex, Gabriel.

After half a year, the truth came out. Gabe murdered him. The police found his body in a wooded area, buried under a tree. They only found his body when a family brought their dog to the park and he unburied the corpse.

Crowley didn't get the news until well after the trial and funeral. His late boyfriend's parents didn't approve of him. Blaming Crowley, they had not even told Crowley where they buried him.

Snapping back to reality, he realized the professor was trying to get his attention. "Sorry." He looked around and noticed the lack of other students. Picking up his things, he hurried out the door to his next class.

Not feeling up to it, he made a sharp left to the parking lot. Jumping in his car, he drove to the cemetery.


"Hi Raphael. How's it going?" Crowley sat in front of the grave. "I'm sorry I didn't come sooner. College is keeping me busy."

He pulled his knees to his chest. He felt his eyes sting as tears formed. The only noise was faint city noises and birds. He pulled out a drawing and placed it on the ground.

"I drew this for you." It was a drawing of the dead boy, smiling with a snake wrapped around his neck. "Janthony is doing good. He's eating a little more, but misses you."

He felt a hand on his shoulder. "I thought I would find you here." A young man with shaggy brown hair stood there.

"What are you doing here?" Crowley got up to give the other a hug.

"Just in town to check on my favorite cousin."

"Pfft. That honor shouldn't go to me, Adam." Crowley stated.

"Oh, it doesn't." Adam gave him a cheeky grin. "So how are you?"

"I'm fine. College's getting to me though."

"Mm. Well, I gotta pick up Warlock from the airport. I'll see you around."

"See ya." Crowley watched as Adam left. Sighing, he took one more glance at the grave and he left as well.


Opening his apartment, he flicked on the lights. A mess greeted him. Throwing his bag onto the floor, he walked to the large tank in the corner.

He opened the top and his red-bellied black snake, Janthony, slithered out from his log. Looking expectantly at Crowley, he flicked his tongue out at him.

"I know, I know." He grabbed a Styrofoam bowl and took off the cover. Inside was dirt and a bunch of nightcrawlers and slugs. He picked out a pretty long, slimy one ad dropped it into the enclosure.

It landed and immediately, Janthony slurped it up. Crowley gave him a fat slug for dessert and went to make his own dinner.


He decided to go for a walk after his microwavable meal. Pulling on a jacket, he made his way down to the sidewalk. He lit a cigarette and walked around aimlessly. It was a quiet night and Crowley felt at peace.

It didn't take him long to get to the park. He couldn't figure it out, but something made feel uneasy. He felt as if someone was watching him.

He sat on a nearby bench and looked up at the stars. He loved them. They made him feel safe. He had always wanted to become an astronomer, but his parents wanted him to go into the family business of florists. As much as he liked being a florist for a couple years, he decided to take a chance with astronomy.

"I'm sorry it took me so long to come back." A voice startled Crowley, making him fall off the bench and land on his bum.

"What the fuck?" Crowley was paralyzed in fear. In front of him in a blinding shield of light, a familiar blond stood before him. "Raphael?"

"Hello, my dear."

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