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Warning: major angst, hinting of rape, hinting of self harm
For those who may be triggered by rape or self harm, please do not read! If you are in a situation like this, please get help and get out. There are people who will listen and help you. If anyone is in a situation that you are being abused, even if you think that it's not bad, please reach out to someone.

Gabriel shoved Aziraphale to the ground once more. "Worthless." He spat. He grabbed Aziraphale by the arm, effectively dislocating it.
Whimpering in pain, Azi tried to pull his arm away, but Gabriel only dragged him across the floor. "Shut up!" Gabriel yelled. He threw Azi into the wall. Getting on top of him, he turned Azi's face towards him. "You disobeyed me for the last time."
Kneeling on Azi's hands, he punched him in the eye, it blowing up immediately. "Now it's time for your punishment."


Azi let out a sob. His neck was covered with unwanted hickeys. His naked body shivering as he tightened the hug he was giving himself. He couldn't move. He felt so dirty. Tears streaked down his face as his whimpering turned into a full fledge panic attack.
He couldn't breath. He tugged at his hair and clawed at his skin. Rocking back and forth made the pain in his lower half double. He could feel the blood and Gabriel's release trickle out onto the floor.
The physical, mental, emotional, and sexual abuse had started a few months after he started dating Gabriel. He never told anyone because he was convinced he deserved it and it was normal. He never could do anything as he was only a principality and Gabriel was an Archangel.
After an hour of scratching and ripping his hair out, he laid on the floor. His arms were cut from how hard he was scratching himself and from when Gabriel dug his nails into his wrists. He felt numb. He laid there, staring off into space until he fell into a deep slumber.
When he opened his eye, it was morning. He gently got up off the floor. He limped into the bathroom and examined his injuries.
His one eye was swollen and a deep purple and yellow bruise spread across the left side of his face. Large hickeys were peppered on his neck and chest. Bruises were starting to form on his hips from where Gabriel gripped him.
Looking at his arms, he saw the many scratches and cuts. There were thin white scars crisscrossing everywhere. They had been made both unintentionally and intentionally. That's why he always wears long sleeves.
His back was just as bad. Hickeys were scattered about. He has long, large scars from when Gabriel would whip him. Luckily, Gabriel never touched his wings. His wings are the only things untouched.
Looking at his reflection, he fell to his knees. Tears streaming down his face once again. Curling into a ball, he cried. His throat still sore from the previous evening, let out a scream. He made sure no one would hear it as there would be consequences if anyone did.

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