Update: Important

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Hello readers! I am alive and doing ok. I had a very rough year or so and I had not been able to get wifi in order to continue writing this book. I have decided I will continue to update it with new chapters as long as I am motivated and my health will allow me. I unfortunately cannot dm or comment back to anyone as my app and phone do not allow me to see all of them. I do apologize if anyone has sent me anything and I have not responded.
For those who wish to hear about my adventures this past year, read on.

I had recently developed new health issues, as a consequence of me not being able to take care of my past health issues due to being in an abusive home. These now have taken up most of my time since I last updated and I have moved out of the abusive household. I have a wonderful boyfriend who has helped me with the changes and my (mental) health, which has been steadily declining. I had recently been able to see doctors about both my mental and physical health issues. I will not bore you with details of my past life in an abusive household that led to these huge changes and I do not wish to trigger anyone who was/is in similar situations. If anyone wishes to hear about it, I may write a chapter going into a sliver of the events.

Anyways, I have been struggling with my mental health and it has taken a toll on my physical wellbeing. I have developed Non-epileptic Seizures which have been hindering me to work and leave the house. I have been getting better, but I am out of work and freshly into a new apartment. I am also struggling with my system (look up Dissociative Identity Disorder for more information). There has been massive changes which also takes a toll on my mental health. I hope to create more stories to entertain, but unfortunately I cannot guarantee that I will be updating regularly. I hope that as things get under control that I will be able to write more.

If you made it this far, thank you for everything. All the reads and votes. I am grateful that this community has made my life very enjoyable and allowed me to do two things that I love, writing and making people happy. I wish everyone the best and a new chapter will hopefully be written soon.
- Ari (and co)

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