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Aziraphale and Crowley go on their first rollercoaster ride and oh boy, Adam now has blackmail. Post-Falsemageddon
Warnings: none

Crowley looked up at the coaster's highest peak, just as another cart of people fell almost straight down screaming. He was at an amusement park with Aziraphale and Adam. After the apoca-no and their trials, Crowley and Aziraphale decided to keep an eye on the antichrist.
"Oh my." Aziraphale watched with mild horror. "Are you sure you want to go on that thing?"
"Yep!" Adam smiled and grabbed both of their hands, pulling them to the growing line.
To say the two supernatural beings were nervous would be an understatement. They were terrified. Crowley would never admit to that though. He stood stiffly, listening to the screams of the riders. He glanced at Aziraphale who was looking quite pale.
After what felt like an hour, the three were being seated in the front cart. Aziraphale day on the far side, Adam in the middle, and Crowley plopping into the last seat. He pulled that bar down over their laps and buckled in.
Slowly, they were moving. The cart rounded the corner and made its ascension up the slope. It was slow and the demon's nervousness tripled. Suddenly, they were flying down the slope.
A horrified shriek left Aziraphale's lips. Crowley was too terrified to even make a sound. His knuckles white gripping the bar. In the middle of them, Adam had his hands in the air and laughing at the other two.
It felt like an eternity before the ride finished and Crowley stood up, shaking. His hair stood up all over and he took a couple deep breaths. Aziraphale looked like he was about to be sick, which isn't too surprising, since he had eaten a bunch of candy-floss before the ride.
Adam ran over to the booth with pictures that were taken during the ride. He grinned broadly at them and they took a look.
Aziraphale's eyes were wide in shock, mouth open wide in a scream. Crowley on the other hand had a poker face on, but you could barely see his glowing golden eyes wide in fear behind his sunglasses.
Adam was giggling and took out some notes for the picture. "I'm keeping this forever." He then ran to get in the next ride's line.

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