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Crowley returns to Hell after the first sin. He gets a surprise.

Crawley walked around the dingy halls of Hell. He was told he needed to help the new guy get used to becoming a demon. He ran his fingers through his hair, pulling out the knots. He wouldn't usually get involved, but Hastur said this was a special case.

Arriving at his destination, he sighed, hoping this newcomer wouldn't take up too much of his time. He's a very busy demon, he had places to be. Pushing the door open, he was hit with a familiar scent. He entered the small dark room, getting used to the somehow even more dark room.

"Hello? Newcomer!? Where are ya? I got things to do, places to see." His eyes finally adjusted to the darkness, landing on a huddled form near the far wall. He sighed internally, concluding that this would not be a quick orientation. Sauntering over, he kneeled in front of the demon. "Hey! Can we get going?"

The demon let out a sniff, not bothering to acknowledge the other beside him.

"Hey, hey. It's not that bad being a demon. You'll have fun. Trust me." Crawley patted the other's shoulder. The scent was stronger now, being right next to the other.

"I'm sorry." The lump shifted, lifting their face to look at Crawley. His baby blue eyes, red from crying.

Crawley shrugged. "Nothing to worry about. It's hard accepting this fate, but it'll all be fine." Crawley's head tilted. "Do I know you?" The dark made it hard to see anything besides the silhouette of the new demon. "You seem familiar."

"Not likely. I was a guard of Eden. My first and last job as an angel..." The lump crumpled back into itself.

"Oh..." Crawley said. 'There must have been another angel when Aziraphale and I were there. Yeah, that's probably the case. No way he fell.'

Crawley pushed himself off the ground, dusting off his clothes. He reached a hand out. "Here, there's a lot to do, so we better get started."

The other's head shifted towards the outstretched hand. Thinking it over for only a second, they reached their own hand out and gripped Crawley's. Helping the other stand up, Crawley smiled, he was glad they could get this show on the road.

"After you." Crawley opened the door. The little light of the dingy hall, spilled into the room.

The shadow hesitantly stepped out into the dim hall. Crawley turned and grabbed the door handle and closed it. "Alright, let's get started."

Turning around, his eyes widened. "Aziraphale?"

The other demon had platinum blond hair and baby blue eyes, that Crawley would know anywhere.

"Crawley?" The former angel's mouth was slightly open. He looked down at the floor. "Guess I did do the bad thing."

Crawley didn't know what to say. He opened and closed his mouth a few times, his brain reeling with this new information. Opening his mouth to speak, he was cut off by laughter.

It started as a giggle and then full on bellowing of laughs. Aziraphale was crying with how hard he was laughing. "I-I can't believe this." Opening his eyes to look at the red-head in front of him, he burst out in another fit of giggles that turned into sobbing. "I really can't believe this." He buried his head into his hands.

Crawley quickly looked around, the hall thankfully free of other demons, he pulled the blond up by the arm, ushering him back into the dark room. Quickly locking the door, Crawley ignited a corner of the room with hellfire, noticing the flinch of the other.

Trying to figure out what to say, he was stopped short when the former angel engulfed Crawley in a hug. Letting out a surprised gasp, Crawley squirmed not being used to it.

"Oh, sorry. I'm just so happy that I was able to see you again." Aziraphale's face shoved into the other's shoulder. "It's horrible here. So dark and suffocating."

Crawley awkwardly patted Aziraphale on the back, not really sure how to respond. He knew if they got caught it would be big trouble for the two of them. Thinking quickly, he pulled at the arms of the other.

Aziraphale let go at the light pulls of the other. He looked up into the other's eyes, hoping for some form of comfort. Pleading him to tell him this was just some sort of nightmare.

Crawley sighed, bringing a hand up to his face and rubbing his forehead. "We've gotta start the orientation before someone comes snooping around to find us. Come on." Grabbing the other's hand, he brought the two of them out into the hall once again.

I'm still alive, kind of. Might make a part 2... ehh. Figured we could at least update this book since we did the other one.

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