Crowley's Hair

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Many things change in 6000 years. Aziraphale has seen cities being built and destroyed. He has always accepted change and knew it was for the best. One of the things he could count on changing was Crowley. Not Crowley as a being, but his appearance.

Azi had always found Crowley's hair one of the demon's best attributes. Even from the beginning, Azi was awe struck by the copper tone. He found himself longing to thread his hands in the locks.

He was disappointed when he found that Crowley had cut the long strands. He wanted to tell Crowley that he looked better with long hair, but he didn't want to hurt the demon's feelings.

It was a hot summer day. Azi had not seen the his fellow associate for a few months now and he was wondering if Crowley decided to take another century long nap. The first thing he noticed was the bell announce a customer's arrival. The second thing he noticed was flaming red hair. He did a double take and stared in awe at the demon.

Crowley's usual short hair was now grown down to his fine-looking ass. It had a shine to it that Azi has never seen. His usual curls were gone, adding to the length. It also seemed that Crowley put a lot of effort into his new look. Crowley wore a white t-shirt with a rainbow and the words, 'Taste the Rainbow' in bright, glittery letters.

He strolled up to the counter Azi was drooling on and gave him a sheepish smile. "So, you like the hair?"

Azi could only nod at first, bringing his hand up to feel the silky fibers. "You look stunning."

"Well, I heard from a little birdy that you missed my long hair. I wanted to surprise you." Crowley explained. He ran a hand through his hair.

"You always look so beautiful, my dear, no matter what." Azi stated. He then looked up at the demon. "Could I braid it for you?"

"Hell yeah! It'll be great to get it up and off my back for a while. Let's do it!" Crowley smiled widely.

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