Chapter 35: Skipping the Pleasantries

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Chapter Song: Never Say Goodbye by Hayley Westenra

The dinner itself was quiet, without words spoken. No eye contact was made. No words exchanged. Nothing. Draco's mother was dressed in a lavish evening down and she ate quietly, not even creating a slurping sound as she drank the soup from her spoon. Lucius ate pieces of bread but no soup. Draco and I ate both as quickly as we could without seeming too awkward. Draco finished first, the doorbell ringing right after he finished what remained of his bread.

"Take your time eating, roam the house if you'd like." he whispered to me as he pretended to dab at his mouth with his napkin. I nodded subtly and he pushed back his chair quickly, dashing for the door.

Lucius rose from his seat, "Come, Narcissa." She placed her spoon in her bowl and stood with him, taking his arm as he led her past me and towards the grand hall.

"Don't forget to have fun, Harry." she smiled meekly, her eyes turning cold again as they faced forward.

Lifestyle of the rich and infamous: hard-boiled, emotionless, and without a care in the world... What a great thing to aim for in life. I shrug off my cynicism and push my chair back as Milton begins collecting the plates slowly and carefully. I hear Lucius talking grandiosely with a co-worker and Draco's voice occasionally butting in at certain cues. I turn my eyes back to Milton and collect the dishes with him. He jumps slightly, looking uncomfortable, and I send him a small grin.

"I won't tell if you won't."

He exhales through his nose, sounding vaguely like a laugh, and nods as we go over to the kitchen. He takes off his suit jacket and lays it on the counter, and then he unbuttons his cuffs and gingerly rolls up the sleeves above his elbows before sending me a friendly smile, the lines around his mouth and forehead wrinkle pleasantly, age even more evident on his face.

"You should dry, I'll wash." I nodded, taking a dish towel from his hand and waiting for him to finish a dish. He was quick, washing them thoroughly and only in idle concentration. "So," he started, not looking at me. "Why did you offer to help with the dishes? Master Draco's friends have never asked before, but I suppose he doesn't have any friends like you." The phrase was innocent enough but he had a smile on his face, as though trying to suppress a smile. He swiped his lips briefly across the underside of his canines and grinned. "So how long have you two been seeing each other?"

"Seeing each other?"

"Don't play coy, Mr. Potter. I may be old, but I'm not dumb."

I laughed awkwardly, almost dropping the plate I was drying. "I have no clue what you mean. Draco and I aren't- I mean, he's not..." I give him a strange, sideways hand-waving gesture, "You know. Gay."

He seemed to be taken aback and nodded his head dutifully, "You're right. I was reading too deeply into things."

I let my curiosity get the better of me, "Why did you think we were... you know?"

"You mean other than the hug I saw this morning, or the embracing I saw going on when I came to check on you two the other night while you two slept?"

I felt my face turn bright red, "We didn't-" my voice raised a little too loud, another small group of voices joining the other guests. "embrace." I hiss, fighting down my embarrassment. "I was having a really bad nightmare and he came to comfort me."

"Sounds fairly intimate to me, if you don't mind me saying so," he drained the water, washed suds off his arms, and dried them before rolling his sleeves down again. "You should join the party, only a few more families left and it would be scandalous if you were caught in here talking to a servant and doing dishes."

"I see no reason why it would be shameful but," I hear multiple voices and the door close with finality as Lucius makes a comment about everyone having already arrived, to let the party begin. "I should go. I'll talk to you later, Milton."

"Call me Dobby," he told me with a smile, his green eyes lighting up. "My name is Milton Dobbinson, but..." His mind drifts for a moment before his smile returns. "I prefer Dobby."

I nod, "See you later, Dobby." I stop, peeking my head back in through the dining room archway. "Call me Harry."

"Alright... See you later, Master Harry."

I slide in through a connector of the dining hall to the foyer and walk into the main hall, appearing as if I'd just came from upstairs. I look around in search for Draco but he's speaking with an older gentleman with a rat-like face, brown eyes, cropped straw-colored hair, and a tattoo on the inside of his arm. I looked away quickly as his tongue swiped quickly between his lips, wetting them. He gives me the creeps. I looked around and found a boy a few years older than me leaning against a doorframe, his expression unamused by the awful Christmas music he was tapping his foot along to.

"You're doing a good job holding up that wall." I tell him, which earns a smile.

"Well, hello." He gives me a winning smile and I almost swoon. His eyes are grey, but a darker shade than Draco's, his hair a mousy brown, and a nose that's a little too big for his face. Altogether, though, he's adorable.

"I'm glad you enjoy the Christmas music." I say with a laugh and he rolls his eyes, "I wouldn't mind it so much if my dad didn't play it the entire month of December."

"So he's one of those." I say in understanding, leaning against the wall next to him.

"This party is really lame." He huffs, running his fingers through his hair and unbuttoning the front of his suit jacket. "All everyone does is talk about their jobs, talk about their perfect kids, and talk about how much money they have."

"Aren't you one of those perfect kids?" I ask jokingly and he shrugs, "Not really. I mean, I get good grades at college, make my dad proud as he wastes money on my tuition, but I'm not a saint."

"I guess I pegged you wrong, then."

He tilts his head, a smirk turning the right corner of his mouth when I catch sight of Draco talking to Blaise from the corner of my eye. Through my line of sight, with the help of some coincidentally well-placed mirrors, I can see Blaise running his thumb across Draco's cheek, over his jaw, and down his neck. I turn my eyes away, thinking it my imagination, and look back at the guy beside me.

"I'm Harry," I offer, hoping a conversation would get Draco out of my mind.

"Cedric." He offers with a laugh at my weak attempt to start a conversation and I want to smile with him because damn, that smile is infectious.

I look up again and see Draco in the corner of my eye again, being pushed against the wall by Blaise and I turn my eyes away, feeling hurt despite not having a real relationship with Draco. "Hey, Cedric, wanna head into one of the smaller rooms? Away from all the people?"

Something flickers in his eyes and he agrees, leading me into a hallway by the kitchen. "So," he starts, sitting down on the floor. "I've never seen you at the last couple Malfoy-sponsored events I've been to."

"I just came to know them recently." I offer, glad that I'm not lying entirely.

"That's a really nice suit." He tells me, taking a bit of the hem between his thumb and forefinger, swirling circles over it. Suddenly, I feel extremely uncomfortable, anxious, and I feel like throwing up. He seems to sense my distress and moves his hand, "Sorry. I've been told I'm not all that great at gauging personal space."

I'm about to tell him that he wasn't the reason I was panicking when I hear Lucius make an announcement, "Thank you all for joining us on this wonderful holiday. I hope you all get home in good time to get some rest before tomorrow. Have a great night, everyone."

Cedric seems disappointed as he stands, "Well, I'll give you my number and we can just text." I almost tell him I don't have a phone but I catch myself, I can convince Severus to get me one since the request is far from unreasonable. "If I tell you my number, think you can remember it?" I nod, he rattles off the number quickly upon hearing what I presume to be his dad's voice. "Great talking to you, Harry."

I stuff my hands in my pockets, walking slowly up the stairs and walking in to see Draco with his head in his hands. I close the door behind me and his eyes light up as he looks up and realized it's me. "Harry, you're here. I've got something for you."

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