Chapter 64: Release Memory's Hold

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Chapter song: Morgengry (Dawn) by Vàli


I knock before entering Lupin's classroom, his glasses perched on his nose as he reads a few papers. Grading papers, I'd wager. Looking up, he takes off his reading glasses and sees me, ushering me in.

"Harry, nice to see you. Please, come in!"

I pulled a chair up in front of his desk and he looked at me inquisitively, I guess I am transparent in the reason why I'm here. I'm not here on a casual visit.

I came to ask about why he was a suspect in the murder of my parents. More importantly, if he and Sirius did truly have involvement in the murder of my parents, because I honestly suspect they don't. But I need to know if what Neville read in the files was correct, if my godfathers are in fact accomplices in my parents' murders.

"I came here to speak to you about the murder of my parents. I only know half the truth, and I want to know all of it." I told him, hoping to keep myself impartial. I don't want to vouch for their guilt or innocence until I hear both sides of the story.

His face turned solemn and he picked up the phone on his desk, "I'll call Sirius, then all of us can get together and talk about it, alright? Even Severus is invited if you wish to extend him an invitation. You deserve to know the truth, though we all hoped we wouldn't have to tell you so soon. It could be devastating, you know."

I nod, "I know most of it. I just want to know the minor details."

He starts dialing on the landline, "Understandable. Once I get off the phone, he should be here within an hour, he moved nearby to be close to you. Maybe we could all go out and get dinner together."

I nod, "Sounds alright."

He dials the number onto the phone's cradle and I stand.

"When he gets here, call my dad's room, I'll be there."

A sad expression crosses his face, "Sure, I'll call Severus's room when we're ready to leave."

I wave to him before I fully exit through the door and something sits wrong in my stomach. I suppose I shouldn't call Severus my dad, I haven't known him long, but he knew my mother. So did the others, but I did not choose them. Something in me drove me to choose Severus and there had to be a reason. Calling him my dad is no large feat at this point. A father to me has become an abstract concept, a figure rather than any specific blood-designated person, but something about Severus feels closer than kinship. As though, somehow, we are two of a kind.

I raise my hand to knock on his door, but it is ajar, so I push it open with my palm. The room is empty. This hall has other live-in staff, maybe one of them know where he's gone. However, I don't bother when I see Albus, uh... Headmaster Dumbledore, walking out of what I guess is his room. I meet him at his door.

"Hello, sir." I address him, waving shortly before dropping my hand to my side.

His knowing smile tells me he expected my arrival to his door, "He went to the library, went to a short conference. He'll be back soon."

I nod, thanking him before waiting outside the open door for him to return. I can't just go in someone's room without them knowing, it goes against my sensibilities. The same ones that tell me to cut with the blade of knives facing away from me and to never run with scissors.

I sit beside the door with my legs crossed, waiting for him. He comes a bit later, wiping sweat from his forehead with the back of his hand. He looks taken aback by my arrival but smiles anyhow.

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