40. Finding Out Possible Truths - ✭RAE✭

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It's been two weeks and Seth hasn't touched me in a sexual way, not even once. It's like he's scared he's going to hurt me every time he touches me. Besides the fact he doesn't want to touch me, he also seems extremely distant. I'd thought breaking up with Liam and being solely with him, taking that stance would lead to a better, healthier relationship between the two of us. Well, I guess not.

Seth's never been as distant as he has been since that night. I'd stayed at his place and even tried climbing on top of him in the middle of the night, thinking maybe that would fix whatever was broken, but he wouldn't reciprocate. Even when I worked him and tried to get on top of him he'd effectively end it before it even began.

Tonight is his last fight before opening up his own gym and I had to basically beg him to be able to go. I literally had to fucking scream at him and basically throw a god damn tantrum for him to let me come. After all was said and done he'd said fine, I could go but I needed to stay with Rhys.

So, here I am with my brother. We're sitting in the first row, right up front like we had before when Seth and I weren't together. As if on cue I see Sarah directly across from Rhys and I taking a seat with a few other beautiful women. One of the women has a large, round belly sticking out in front and even pregnant she's drop-dead gorgeous. I guess what they say about glowing when you're pregnant is true because that girl is practically radiating gorgeousness.

"Who's that?" I can't help but ask Rhys.

"Who's who?" Rhys looks in the direction I am. "You mean Sarah? You know who that is."

"No, the one with the beautiful long brown hair." He quirks an eyebrow. "The pregnant one. I've never seen her before."

I feel Rhys tense next to me. "Why?"

"I don't know. Like I said, I just have never seen her before." I shrug at him when he doesn't respond. "I mean, I think I'd remember a beautiful pregnant girl. Who's her boyfriend? Is he fighting tonight?" Rhys visibly pales. "Are you okay? Oh my god, it's not yours is it?"

Rhys automatically shakes his head no. "Definitely not. I've never slept with any of them believe it or not."

"Just Seth then." He crosses his arms across his chest, sitting deeper in his chair and doesn't answer me. "So who is she?"

"That's uh, that's Katie and I'm not sure who she's dating. I'm assuming it's probably one of the guys here or fighting tonight but who knows. She was a ring girl before."

"Oh so one of those girls who walk around looking amazing with a sign."

"Something like that."

"That's what Sarah was, right?" I couldn't help but ask it. Insecurity had been blossoming in my stomach ever since that night.

"You don't need to worry about Sarah, Rae. She's a fucking toxic cunt who definitely isn't good for Seth. He's happy with you, Rae. You make him very happy."

I can't help but smile at that. "Oh yeah, you think so?"

"I know so, Rae. He's just afraid of losing you." He gives me a sad smile and I don't quite understand why.

"Why do you think that?" He shrugs and I'm just praying to god he didn't talk to him about our last sexual encounter. "He hasn't talked to you about our sexual..."

"Oh hell no." Rhys holds a hand up. "Nope. I don't even want to think about it."

We don't say anything else as the fights of the night begin to start. We watch some women fight first and then some men. There's an intermission before Seth's fight and Rhys and I get up to get something to drink.

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