When we were finally done, the Stray Kids boys stood up to applaud and even chanted our names. 

As they continued chatting and discussing who the main dancer could be, we were this time in front of the podium and close to the first row, so I was standing in front of Yeongcheol and Jisung as I attempted to attach the microphone back on my uniform. I failed miserably, though, and Jisung offered to help me while not disturbing the rest, so he helped me put it back on before going back to his seat.

"It must be either the girl on the left or the one on the middle," Soogeun said pointing towards Soojin and I. "No offence to the other one."

"None taken," Leah told him.

"Then, which one of us do you think is the 'Dancing Queen'?" Soojin asked them throwing an arm around my shoulders.

"I think I'm going to go with the one on the left," Soogeun said. "The shortest one."

"I'm apparently every single one of you girls," I said as I once again pretended to take off my sticker but didn't.

"Really?" Soojin said taking off her sticker. "Was it that difficult?"

She then asked for the staff to continue playing 'Victory Song' and she danced to Hyunjin's part to show them her dance kills, which had everyone outstood.

"Was it actually that difficult to guess?" She said once again and sat with Janghoon at the back.

"Next one is ResQ's Seo Yeonjae," Heechul introduced the rest. "Which one of them do you think it is.

"Shall we do a split to show them?" Leah said and I nodded.

We both then dropped effortlessly to the ground in a split and even put our foreheads on our leg to show our flexibility.

"How are we even supposed to guess when they both are flexible!" Janghoon exclaimed. "This doesn't make sense. It could be either of them!"

"You need to pay attention to the girl they are supposed to be," Heechul said giving them a hint.

"You need to guess only with this information, though," Leah told them.

"Okay, then it's going to be the girl we keep saying," Yeongcheol said.

"Are you serious?!" Leah exclaimed taking off her badge. "You didn't even get one right on your first try!"

"Who are you?! Who are you and why do you keep confusing us?!" Soogeun exclaimed and approached me. "You are too tall. I can't do this."

We all then burst out laughing as he went back to his seat and Leah went to the side to show them why she had that nickname. 

The staff then gave her a ribbon and she began showing a rhythmic gymnastics routine using it, shocking everyone, including the girls and I who still were amazed even though we had already seen her rehearsing it more than once.

She then finally sat down with Soogeun and that left me alone it the podium so they all already knew it was me and I took off my sticker to reveal my name.

"Alix's nickname in the group is  'Alix Hendrix'," Heechul told them.

"Like Jimi Hendrix?" Yeongcheol asked confused. "Why?"

"She has perfect pitch and really is a master of the guitar," Soojin explained. "She plays more instruments but her guitar skills are no joke."

The staff then brought inside an electric guitar already plugged to an amplifier and I picked it up, quickly checking if it was on tune before continuing with the segment.

"Let me warm-up for a second," I told them and stretched my fingers for a second before playing a small part of «Ashes in Your Mouth» by Megadeth.


Just after that warmup, they were all really shocked. I knew that it was unusual for K-pop idols to play instruments to that extent and much less if they were pop idols trying to play rock and metal but I still found funny how amazed they all were.

"T-that was a warmup?" Chan asked me perplexed.

"Yes, just so I can get used to moving my fingers fast and all," I explained. "Now, for perfect pitch, does anyone want to sing any song to me and I will try to play it on the guitar?"

"Play Miroh!" Woojin told me. "Do you know that one already?"

"No, I don't, but it should be fairly easy," I said and asked the staff to play the song for me once so I could remember it properly. "Okay, why don't all off you sing along while I play?"

They all then stood up and picked up a few microphones before I began playing and they sang along. I even added some riffs here and there that matched the song to make it more fun.

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