Ow! My face! (Fluff)

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Welcome to my GO oneshot book. I had a bunch of ideas with our favorite husbands and decided to get on the bandwagon and share them.

Crowley wakes up and gets a face full of hurt. Post-Armagedon't
Warnings: none

Crowley yawned. He felt a warm lump laying next to him on his bed. He looked down and found his angel fast asleep. It was one of those rare mornings that Crowley woke up before Aziraphale. The angel was normally an early riser when he actually decided to sleep with the demon.
Crowley looked over to the clock on the bedside table. It was 5:30 am and the demon sighed. He would never wake up before 2 in the afternoon. He watched as Aziraphale's chest rose and fell. His eyes moved to the angel's face.
The angel's rosy cheeks were looking cute and plump as ever. His lips, soft and pink, were opened slightly open letting out soft snores. Crowley licked his lips, leaning in to kiss his angel awake.


"Ow! My face!" Crowley held his nose in his hands. Aziraphale has turned over and he backhanded Crowley right in the face.
His yell had startled Aziraphale awake and the angel had turned to look questioningly at the demon.
"What in the world? Crowley?! Are you okay?" Aziraphale sat up, taking Crowley's face in his hands.
"Y-yeah. No worries angel." Crowley had a red blush spreading over his cheeks. His eyes were darting between the angel's eyes and lips.
"Well nothing seems to be hurt." Azi stated after thoroughly checking the demon's face. "Why are you up so early anyways?"
"Dunno. Just woke up." Crowley shrugged.
"Well, since we're both up, breakfast?" Aziraphale stretched and started to move to go to the kitchen.
"Noooo~" Crowley whined. "Too early~" He reaches out and grabbed Aziraphale before he could leave the bed. "Cuddles!" The demon demanded.
Aziraphale sighed and smiled, "Oh, alright, but only for a few minutes." He wrapped his arms around Crowley and threaded his fingers through his hair.
The two must have fallen asleep because when Crowley woke up, it was already 4 in the evening. When Aziraphale realized he slept the entire day, he scolded Crowley for making him miss a whole day sleeping.

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