I haven't been able to control the anger that's poured out of me these past few days. I was so angry I didn't want to be around Addison. I felt talking to her would only lead to making things worse when the only thing it did was hurt her like hell.


"No Luke," she says firmly. "This all has not been fair to me in the slightest. For you to come here and tell me you've had a rough few days when you completely kicked me to the curb and didn't check on me once last night pisses me off like no other. Do you even understand the pain you put me through?"

I stay silent knowing she has a lot to say and that she's going to want to get it all out without interruption.

"It says a lot when your ass is drunk and I drop everything I'm doing to come get you and make sure you make it home. Yet, you can't even check in on me because you're so angry over something I have absolutely zero control over."

I watch her as she runs her hands through her hair angrily and squeezes her eyes shut. I've never seen her like this and I can't help but be taken aback. The points she's making are valid and doing nothing but making me feel like shit.

"I get why you're upset and why you think it feels like I'm feeding into Chasen's behavior," she says after taking a deep breath. "You deserve to be upset about that, but how you handled the situation is so unbelievably immature and something I would've never expected from you."

"You're right."

"And it's so ridiculous that you're trying to make me choose between my brother or you," she says throwing her arms in the air which is something I would've never thought of. "You're telling me I need to either choose to help him or be on your side and leave him to fend for himself."

Even though I would much rather her leave her sick brother to fend on his own, I get her point where she's saying that it feels like I'm making her pick between us.

"What would you do Luke?" she asks shaking her head at me. "What would you do if I made you pick between me or Jack?"

I go silent not knowing what to say. Mostly because I couldn't imagine giving up on Jack. Especially giving up on Jack because of my girlfriend. Jack's my family and I couldn't just abandon him.

So with a shake of my head, I shrug my shoulders and say, "I don't know."

"Exactly," she cries out and her voice cracks. "But unlike you, I do know Luke."

My eyes snap up and I'm surprised to hear this. She knows what she wants to do about this all? I didn't expect her to have a decision in such a short amount of time.

She shakes her head and looks off as she sucks in her lips. I watch her squeeze her eyes shut tightly before reopening them. She's trying to stay tough and I see that.

"I'm not going to help him Luke."

I look to her in astonishment as my lips part and I almost ask her to repeat her words. My heart rate picks up and I feel as if butterflies are swarming throughout every part of me.

"As much as every piece of me begs me to, he needs to learn his lesson."

I want to do nothing more than to pick her up and spin her in circles but I know it's inappropriate to do so right now. She doesn't sound happy about her decision but luckily she seems to now know it's the right one.

"I'm not going to give up on him though no matter what you say. You can hate him all you want, but he's my brother and I'm not letting him feel abandoned," she says to me firmly and I keep my mouth shut in fear of words coming out that I don't want to. "I love the hell out of him no matter what he may have done. I'm going to call and I'm going to visit and I'm going to be there for him. If you have a problem with that then you can deal with your shit on your own."

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