Birthday Muffins (Sharja)

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 Sharon den Adel didn't mind celebrating her birthday; she thought it would be nice to have a party. She knew she certainly wasn't going to forget it with her girlfriend Tarja around, especially if Tarja had something planned for the day. 

 On the morning of her birthday, Sharon woke up to Tarja gently shaking her. 

 "Come on, open your eyes," she was saying. "It's a big day today." 

 Sharon opened her eyes to Tarja smiling down at her. 

 "Happy Birthday!" she cried when she saw Sharon was definitely awake. 

 "Thanks," Sharon said, rubbing her eyes. "So, how long have you been up?" 

 "About an hour already, but I thought I'd let you sleep a little longer. I made muffins!" 

 It turned there actually was a plate of chocolate-chip muffins sitting on the bedside table. 

 "You made all these?" Sharon asked. 

 "I did. Breakfast in bed isn't a bad way to start your birthday." 

 "Yeah, I guess so." She sat up straighter and pushed back the blanket. "Aren't we going to get crumbs all over the place, though?" 

 "If we do, we can clean up later." Tarja sat down next to her. "Now, are you going to eat any of not?" 

 Sharon smiled. "Yeah. Breakfast in bed is a nice way to start the day, especially where birthday muffins are involved."

 "Absolutely where birthday muffins are involved," Tarja replied. 

 They ate in silence for a minute or two before Sharon broke the silence. "So, what's the plan for today? I didn't have anything too specific in mind, but I'm assuming you do." 

 Tarja shrugged. "No. Nothing much." 

 Sharon raised her eyebrows. "Really? You, who got up an hour before me to make me birthday muffins, do not have anything else at all in store for today? How could you think I would even buy that story?"

 "All right," Tarja said with a sigh. "We're having a birthday party later, whether you like or not." 

 "Well, I didn't say I wouldn't like having a party." She paused. "We're not doing anything too wild or too crazy, right?" 

 "No, because I didn't think you would want to. It's going to be great, I promise. I just remembered!" Tarja leapt up from the bed. "I have to get started on the cake!" 

 "You're making a cake yourself?" 

 "Yes, I am! Once you've finished eating, go find your nicest dress, because we're celebrating. And stay out of the kitchen!"

 After Tarja hurried out of the room, Sharon got up to get dressed. There were still a few birthday muffins in the plate, but she decided she would save those for later, just in case Tarja's cake didn't work out the way she apparently thought it was going to. 

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