The Lady and Her Knight (Elommy)

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 Elize knew it was still a long time away, but she could imagine it now. One day, she would have children who would ask her how she and their father met. She would gladly recount it to them with a story.

 Tommy had not come from a high-ranking noble family as she had. He was the son of a less important knight from somewhere out in the countryside, and that was where he grew up. He told Elize once that he had trained as much as he could from a young age because he wanted to be a knight, too. His father taught him as much as he could, and once Tommy was grown, he sent him to stay awhile with a nobleman he'd known for years, and who just happened to be Elize's father.

 They were given a formal introduction on the day of Tommy's arrival, but they weren't really given a chance to speak to each other until a few days later, when they happened to meet in the courtyard. They were both a little shy, but they soon struck up a conversation, and the two became fast friends. 

 Within the next few months, Elize would get of the castle as much as she could and go walking the courtyard with Tommy. Sir Tommy, it was now.

 "You've done it," she said with a smile. "You really are Sir Tommy now. Your father must be proud of you."

 "I think he was," Tommy replied. "He smiled practically the entire day."

 However, after a short time, something began to change. Elize knew she would have to get married someday, but now she found herself thinking about it more. Whenever she tried to imagine herself getting married, the only man she could picture was Tommy.

 Then one day, Tommy asked her suddenly, "If I asked your father, do you think he would let us marry?"

 She raised her eyebrows. "You and I?"

 He nodded. "Yes. Would he?"

 "I don't know." Her heart fluttered. "I suppose you would have to ask him." She clasped her hands together. "Please do?"

 " think I should?" he asked nervously.

 She smiled and nodded. "Yes. I do."

 He smiled back. "I will, then. I'll do it."

 Nearly a week later, Elize discovered that Tommy had asked, just as he'd said he would. And, after some consideration, her father agreed.

 That, Elize would say, was how they were married.

 And then her husband would come in from outdoors, perhaps from some expedition, and say, "Elize, dear, what stories are you telling them this time?"

 But it was too soon for all of that. For now, Elize sat by the window, watching Tommy with his fencing practice down below. He looked up at her, and gave her a smile. She smiled back and waved. Their wedding would be occurring soon, but it somehow seemed like too long.

 It didn't really matter, though, because they would be together. That, she thought, was the most important thing.

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