Staring (Elissa)

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 Throughout the entire time Elize and Alissa had been on the road with Kamelot, Alissa was pretty sure she was developing a crush on Elize. How it happened, she wasn't sure. It just seemed to hit her so suddenly how great Elize was.

 During rehearsals for the next show, Alissa stood silently in a corner watching Elize practice. She was so focused on the other woman that she jumped when she heard right next to her, "So, you've taken to spying on people."

 "Tommy! Don't sneak up on me like that."

 "I didn't sneak up on you," he protested. "I've been standing here. You've just been too busy staring at...something to notice me." He looked at the direction she had been staring. "So, you're staring at Elize. Like a creep."

 "I'm not staring at her like a creep. Why would you think I'm even staring at her?"

 "Alissa, she's directly in the line of vision," Tommy said. "Why...wait, are you-you and Elize-"

 "NO. Look," she dropped her voice to a whisper, "Don't tell Elize I was watching her. She doesn't even know I-"

 "Hey, you two." Elize came over and smiled. "Whispering together in the corner? Kind of suspicious, don't you think?" She laughed when they gave her a blank stare. "You know what I mean. Don't worry, I won't tell anyone."

 As she began to walk away, Alissa grasped what she meant. "No, wait Elize, we're not actually-" She spun round again to look at Tommy. "This is your fault!"

 "Hey, I didn't do anything!"

 "Well, if you hadn't started talking to me, Elize wouldn't think that we're dating or something."

 "You think she got that out of us talking quietly together in the corner?" He paused. "Oh. Well, when you put it that way. Then maybe you should go tell her that we're not actually dating. Maybe mention that you happen to like her, too, and obviously not me."

 "And what if she doesn't like me? What if I just end up looking stupid?"

 He shrugged. "At least you can tell yourself you tried."


 Alissa sought out Elize in one of the dressing rooms. "Hey, Elize."

 "Hey." Elize gave her a smile. "You ready for this show tonight? I'm excited."

 "Oh. Yeah, sure. Um, Elize, about earlier today. Tommy and I...we're not...involved romantically."


 "Yeah. Us over the corner, that was more like us having a quiet argument. Stupid stuff. I like him, but not like that. I...I like someone else, actually."

 Elize gave her a smile. "Alissa, I figured you and Tommy weren't actually dating. I was just teasing you guys, and I kind of hoped it wasn't true."

 "It's not," Alissa said quickly. "There's-"

 "Someone else you like," Elize finished. She reached out and pulled the other woman into a hug. "What took you so long to just tell me?"


 "Well?" Tommy asked Alissa the next day.

 "Well, what?"

 "Did you and Elize talk? Work things out?"

 Alissa smiled at the memory. "Yeah. I think we did."

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