Proposal By The Sea (Elissa)

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 "It's beautiful out here, isn't it?" Elize said with a sigh, staring out towards the water.

 Alissa nodded. "Yeah. It is. Not as beautiful as you, though."

 Elize smiled. "It would be nice to somewhere like this, wouldn't it? Right by the sea."

 "We can get a house by the sea, if you want," said Alissa. "There has to be one out there that's your perfect home."

 "Well, it would be our perfect home, wouldn't it? I would want you to live there with me."

 Alissa shrugged. "Well, if you want me living with you."

 "Of course I do." Elize playfully nudged her arm. "Don't tell me it wouldn't be great."

 Alissa knew it would certainly be great. She could picture the two of them living in a seaside home together, in perfect bliss. But before they moved into a new home together, there was something else she wanted to do, something she had meant to do for days.

 "Elize," she began, "There is...something I wanted to talk you about."

 "Oh. Okay, well, it sounds kind of serious. What is it?"

 Alissa wasn't sure how to begin. She had never proposed to someone before, and didn't know what to say. She didn't want to make some silly cliché kind of speech about how things were so great between them and she wanted them to just spend the rest of their lives together (though all of that was true). So, instead she ended up blurting out, "Marry me."

 Elize raised her eyebrows. "What?"

 "I-I meant to ask. Um...will you marry me, Elize?"

 Elize began to smile. "You're serious?"

 "Yeah, I am. Will you?"

 Elize smiled wider. "Yes. Yes, you know I will!" She threw her arms around Alissa. "Yes."

 Alissa wrapped her arms around her, and hugged her tight.

 "I did get you a ring." She felt around in her pocket, and pulled out a little box. "Here. For you."

 Elize opened it. "Oh. It's beautiful." When she looked up, Alissa thought she saw tears in her eyes. "I'll get you one, too. I promise I will."

 "Okay. But don't worry about that right now. We have plenty of time. Here, let me." Alissa took the ring out and slipped it onto Elize's finger. "There. Fits perfectly."

 Elize hugged her again. "I love you."

 "I love you, too," Alissa said softly into her ear. "So, when do you want to start house-hunting?"

 "Oh, soon, but I probably won't until after we're married. I want to start our time in a new house as married couple."

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