Watching and Waiting (Jandahl)

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A sequel to 'Thieves of the Forest'


 Floor Jansen could not forget Hannes. She didn't say so to anyone, because she knew they would think her mad, but she absolutely could not get him out of her head. No one ever refused to give her anything the way he had refused to give her that ring. Oh, he had certainly been scared, but he calmly refused to hand over something he considered valuable. Truthfully, it didn't look to Floor like it would get anyone a good sum of money, but Hannes thought it was special, and she decided to respect that.

 It wasn't hard at all to find out where Hannes lived; no one could possibly miss a house as big as that. Since Floor was a thief, one would expect her and the rest of her crew to rob a house as grand as that one. But they stayed in the forest, and only went after travelers on the roads. They couldn't risk getting caught while robbing some wealthy person's home. 

 Sometimes, Floor would walk towards Hannes' home and stand in the trees, just watching the place, wondering what he was doing inside. Did he still have that ring? Probably. Did he ever think of her? Who knew? Maybe he did. Could he know she was thinking of him? Probably not, but he probably assumed she had already moved on.

 For many days, Floor watched the house and waited. She kept waiting to see Hannes, and waited for him to notice she was there, that she wanted to see him.

 Finally, Floor got what she wanted. One evening, she saw Hannes through one of the upper windows. She stepped out from the trees, hoping he would see her there. She didn't want to call out to him, lest anyone else should hear her and would chase her away.

 Hannes came to the window and looked down in her direction. He had definitely spotted her, so she waved to him to be sure she had his attention.

 Hannes stepped away from the window, and she lost sight of him. Maybe he was frightened by her appearance, and didn't want to draw attention by associating with her. That would make sense.

 But then the front door opened, and Hannes slipped out of the house. He waited until he was at her side to ask softly, "What are you doing here?"

 "What I usually do," she answered. "I did not know this was your house."

 "I don't believe that. How could you not know?"

 "Well, I don't take notice of every single resident who lives near the forest. How was I supposed to know you lived here?"

 "I-well, never mind that. Why are you watching the house?"

 "I'm just...watching it," Floor answered. "I was just wondering who lived here, and then I saw you, so my question has been answered."

 " that all you came here for?" Hannes asked.

 "I...well, no. Oh, I did know that you live here. I was looking for you. How have you been, Hannes?"

 "I am fine. What about you? Is something wrong?"

 Floor shook her head. "No. No, nothing at all." She cleared her throat. "Well, I suppose I must be off, then. Goodbye, Hannes."

 She walked off into the forest again, and looked back to see Hannes staring after her, looking rather confused. She smiled, and vowed she would come back for him again. After looking into his eyes again, she was loath to part with him.

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