A Good Run (Arch Enemy)

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 Angela wasn't sure she could describe how she felt when she first found out she had earned the place of Arch Enemy's new vocalist. She was surprised, for one; she didn't think they would have chosen a woman as their lead. But on the other hand, she was thrilled, excited. This was what she wanted, to be a part of this band, and now she had it.

 Angela loved it from the beginning. She became fast friends with her bandmates, and she was always working on her skills. It was exciting being in the studio, working on a new album, or on the road playing some concerts. She loved being able to go on stage and perform for the band's loving fans.

 Through the years, she went through plenty of ups and downs. There were the fans, and then of course there were the critics. It was hard, sure, but the only thing she could think of to do was shrug it off and move on. And it was probably the best thing, too.

 But at one point, something changed. She still loved her job, still loved the music. But something was different. She just didn't feel as happy, like this just wasn't her thing anymore. She thought about it for a long time, mulling over the situation and deciding what to do. Eventually, she went to Michael and told him what was going on.

 "What you mean, then," he asked, "Is you want to retire?"

 "In a way," she said. "I think I'm just ready to step down from being the vocalist. Something's changed, Michael. Being in this band has been great for me all these years, but I think it's just time for me to move on from it."

 He sighed. "Sounds like you've really thought it through. Do you have anyone in mind for a replacement?"

 "I do, actually. My friend Alissa, from The Agonist. I haven't talked to her yet, but I'm going to, and see if she'll agree. Don't worry, she'll be a perfect fit."

 When Angela got in touch with Alissa, the other woman was surprised at her decision, and even more surprised to hear that she wanted her as a replacement.

 "Are you sure about this?" Alissa asked.

 "Positive," Angela answered. "Will you do it?"

 There was a pause before Alissa asked, "Can you give me a little more time to think about it?"

 It wasn't too long after that when Alissa told Angela she'd do it. By then, Angela had told the rest of her band about her decision. They were surprised, but they respected it.

 That wasn't the end, of course. Angela worked it out that she would still be the band's manager, and she would still be part of the goings on in Arch Enemy. But now she had more time for other things, and she was happy with it.

 Angela felt she'd had a good run, and everything did seem to work itself out in the end.

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