The Solstice Celebration (Elstina)

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 It was the summer solstice, the longest day of the year. Of all the people who celebrated the first day of summer, two women in particular had an interesting evening. 

 "It's amazing, isn't it?" Elize Ryd asked as they walked up the sidewalk together. "It's pretty late, and it's only completely dark just now." 

 "I think it's like that every year," Cristina Scabbia replied, looking up. "But still, I guess it's kind of cool." 

 Cristina had agreed to go out to dinner with Elize that evening, which wound up being hours. It was getting late as they walked up the front steps to Elize's house. 

 "Um, I guess I'll leave you here for the night, now that I know you're home safely," Cristina said. "I'll see you soon, okay?" 

 "No, wait!" Elize grabbed her by the arm. "Why don't you come inside? I don't you walking home at night by yourself." 

 "Elize, I don't think it would be that dangerous." 

 "You don't know that, though. It's summer and only got dark out just now. We don't know what kind of people are still out." 

 "But you're the one who told me this is a nice neighborhood," Cristina pointed out. 

 "Oh, would you just come inside, Cristina? It would make me feel better." 

 "Okay, fine." Cristina held up her hands in defeat. "You got me. I'm coming in." 

 They both went inside, and Elize collapsed onto the sofa. "What a great night, right? You and me, out having fun together. We need to keep doing this." 

 "I agree. It's been fun." Cristina sat down next to her. "You know I like spending as much time with you as I can, Elize." 

 Elize smiled. "That's really nice to know." She leaned her head against Cristina's shoulder. "Why don't you stay for the night? I'll walk to your place with you in the morning." 

 "If you want," Cristina answered. "You have a very comfortable sofa, so I think I can handle it for the night." 

 "Okay. I'm glad you're here." 

 Cristina smiled. "Yeah. So am I." 

 Elize looked up at her, and then she sat up straighter and gave Cristina a soft kiss on the lips. Cristina reciprocated by kissing her back, wrapping her arms around the woman she had been falling for. 


 Elize awoke the next morning to find the other side of the bed empty. She was pretty sure Cristina had been there with her, so she quickly got dressed and went down the stairs. She entered the kitchen to find Cristina there, cooking breakfast. 

 "I know you invited me, but I can't help feeling I might have imposed a little bit," Cristina said. "So, I thought I would make you breakfast." 

 Elize smiled and hugged her. "Thank you. I'm glad you didn't spend the night on the sofa." 

 "Oh, so am I," Cristina chuckled. "Altogether, that was some night." 

 "It was. We should do more things together." 

 Cristina didn't reply, but Elize knew her answer would most likely be yes. 

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