Girl Talk (Danlissa)

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A/N: I actually don't remember what I was going to write next (or maybe I just hadn't decided yet), but I read a comment yesterday that made me remember an idea I think I had almost forgotten about. I then realized it's probably high time I actually tried writing it.


 Angela hadn't expected Alissa to start asking her questions that didn't have to do with work, and certainly not anything about Daniel Erlandsson.

 "So, how long exactly have you known Daniel for?" Alissa asked.

 "Daniel? Um...well, since I first joined the band, and that was years ago."

 "Oh. So, you've known for a really long time?"

 Angela nodded. "Yeah, you could say so."

 "Okay. Um, so, what would you say he's like?"

 "You mean, describe him?" Angela crossed her arms and thought about it. "Well, he's always been a nice guy. He's a good drummer, a good bandmate. We've always gotten along just fine. Why, you afraid of him or something?"

 "Oh, no," Alissa said quickly. "No, I couldn't be afraid of Daniel. He's been nice to me. I like him."

 "Okay. Wait, so, what is this?"


 "This conversation we're having," Angela said. "Why are discussing Daniel?"

 Alissa shrugged. "I don't know. I was just asking."

 "Oh. You were just asking."

 Alissa looked up at her. "What's that supposed to mean?"

 "Nothing," Angela answered. "It's just strange that you have such a sudden interest in Daniel, and you said yourself that you like him. What am I supposed to think about that?"

 Alissa lowered her eyes. "Yeah, I do like Daniel. I don't know that much about him, so I thought I'd ask you, since you've known him for so long."

 "All right, I get that," said Angela. "But don't you want to talk to Daniel himself? Maybe see if he likes you?"

 "Yeah, I was going to. I guess I was kind of worried he might not like me. You know, like that. It would be kind of awkward if we dated, wouldn't it? You know, since we're in the same band together?"

 Angela shrugged. "It could end up being a problem. But you never know, do you? And believe me, Alissa, it could be worth the trouble in the end." She sighed. "Well, this has been a strange girl talk, hasn't it?"

 "Is that what this is?" Alissa asked.

 "I don't know how else you could describe it. Now, where is your Prince Charming at the moment?"

 Thankfully, Daniel was still there at the studio.

 "You must the only other person who hasn't gone home yet," Angela remarked.

 "I guess not," Daniel said, looking around them. "I've been trying to come up with the right beat for this new song Michael's working on. We've been trying to figure out how exactly it ought to go, but I don't think I've got it yet."

 "Well, don't stress too much. You'll figure it out. But Alissa does happen to know stuff about songwriting. Maybe she can help you."

 "I can?" Alissa gave her a startled look. "I don't think-"

 "Oh, you'll be fine," Angela cut in. "I'll be right in that room there. We'll talk more later." She left the room before Alissa could do anymore protesting.


 When Alissa came back in a little while later, Angela asked, "Well? How did songwriting go?"

 "It actually went well," Alissa answered. "Daniel went home, but we talked a little more. I think I got to know him a little better."

 Angela smiled and nodded. "Good. Talk with him more. I think you'll find the two of you could along quite well with each other."

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