What He'd Done (Tuorja)

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 Tuomas Holopainen had to be the world's biggest idiot. Or at least that was what he thought.

 There had always been something about Tarja, the entire time they know each other. He wrote his songs for her, song he hoped would be good enough for a voice as beautiful as hers. She was always a light in his life, one he hoped to never have to let go of.

 He didn't know what it was, what had caused him to decide firing her was the best thing. He supposed it started when she began to dating and then married Marcelo. Marcelo hadn't been that bad, really, but Tuomas couldn't bring himself to like the man, but he always acted civil for Tarja's sake. He knew she wouldn't have wanted her husband and her bandmate fighting with each other.

 Tuomas didn't know why at the time, but it pained him to see Tarja happy with someone else. He was in love with her, very much in love; he just didn't realize it until it was much too late to do something about it.

 That was when things began to change. The atmosphere grew more and tense, and everyone began to argue more. Tuomas and Tarja didn't get along as well, not like they used to. He felt convinced it was something she had done, that she just didn't want to be a team player anymore. It was like she had become some kind of diva, and didn't think she needed the band anymore.

 So, Tuomas did what he felt he had to do. He got the rest of the guys together, and told them he thought it was time they fired Tarja. None of them seemed too sure about the idea, but they all went along with it.

 Now Tuomas sat at his table, writing down some new lyrics. He kept telling himself everything was going to be fine, that they were going to find the right singer to replace Tarja, and they would just move on.

 But things didn't feel fine. There was a lot of backlash from firing Tarja, and it seemed like all that had done was make the band look bad, which was the opposite of what he had wanted. And on top of all that, he missed Tarja. He missed talking to her, seeing her smile.

 It was probably a terrible idea to want to fire her in the first place, he thought. Anything she had said that upset him was probably because he had pissed her off with his own bad behavior. They could have tried harder to talk about everything and maybe make it work better. And that was why he now felt like the biggest idiot in the world.

 Tuomas looked down at what he had written. There was no going back from what he had done.

 All he could do now was move on.

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