A Man and a Monster (Rommy)

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 Inspired by Kamelot's 'March of Mephisto'


 Tommy could always tell when he was coming. The room would suddenly begin to grow cold, and the lights always seemed to dim. Whenever he felt it, he knew he was back.

 He would never hear footsteps, though. Since there never were any, he could sneak up on him at any moment. But Tommy was prepared, and he turned around in his chair just in time.

 He smiled. "You're getting better at this, Tommy. You seem to know now exactly when I'm coming for you."

 "How could I not?" Tommy asked. "You're always coming here for me, Roy. One might say you're obsessed with me."

 "Then that one is an idiot," Roy retorted. "I am not obsessed with you. I simply like you." He began to slowly walk around the room. "Do you ever take a break from all of this?"

 "All of what?"

 "This." Roy waved his hand around the room. "You're always in here with these books and studying. Don't you ever do anything else?"

 "Of course I do other things. You're just not around when I do. Unless you have a way of watching over me when you're not here."

 "No, I don't. That would be obsession, and as I said, I'm not obsessed with you. You're always all alone up here, and it saddens me."

 "Roy, you know perfectly well there's no one else here for me to spend my time with," Tommy said. 

 "So you've told me, many times. Doesn't mean you couldn't go out and meet people, does it? The fact that your only friend is a demon doesn't make for good mental health, you know."

 "Then maybe I'm already insane," Tommy replied. "And I don't know if you're even my friend. You're the demonic entity that would have me turn to darkness."

 "Oh, is that all I am now?" Roy scoffed. "Of course. Never mind that I've tried to comfort you in all this ridiculous solitude of yours."

 "Oh, you must be joking. You want me to be solitary and alone. That way you can have me all to yourself."

 "Well, perhaps you have a point, then." Roy leaned against the window, arms crossed. "You know, this would all be so much easier if you weren't human, or I weren't a demon."

 "You would want me to be a demon," Tommy said. "You wouldn't give that up just to lead a human life."

 Roy smiled. "See? Look how well you know me already. You think you're such a horrid person, don't you? You lock yourself away up here with your books and I, away from the outside world."

 "I didn't think it would matter to you. You hate people, anyway."

 Roy chuckled. "Oh, I think you know me too well now, my dear." He knelt down next to Tommy, gently placing his head on his shoulder. "We just belong together, don't we? We are quite the match. The man who lost so much and is afraid of having something new, and the demon who wants to love but isn't sure how."

 "How do you know I'm not reading through all of these books to find a way to kill you?" Tommy asked.

 "That's simple: I know you. And I know you wouldn't. You would miss me too much, because then you would be completely alone." He stood up straight. "I suppose I'd best be off now. Leave you to all your boring books."

 As he walked away from him, Tommy asked, "You will be back, won't you?"

 Roy smiled. "Don't I always? As I said, you would miss me too much."

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