We'll See Each Other Again (Kobravik)

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 "Hey, don't worry," Tommy said. "You were great. The fans loved it."

 Kobra smiled. "Oh, stop."

 He groaned. "You're underestimating here, Paige. You're underestimating us, our duo. I thought we were pretty fantastic out there, if I do say so myself."

 "I'm not underestimating anything," Kobra said. "I've loved performing with you and the rest of the band. You guys have been great."

 "Well, you're not so bad yourself," Tommy replied. "Come on, why don't we just sit down and relax."

 "You don't seem to be in the mood for relaxing."

 He shrugged. "Being on stage can make you feel energized. It's not the first time I've felt like this. Haven't you ever?"

 "Of course I have," Kobra answered. "Being on stage is fun."

 "Well, I'm happy you agreed to join me on stage," Tommy said. "It was fun."

 Kobra smiled again. "It was, wasn't it? Remind me to do that again sometime."

 "We still have a few shows to play," Tommy reminded her. "I'm glad you'll be there."

 She nodded. "So am I."

 They sat together in a comfortable silence for a few minutes until it was time to go.


 The band had just finished its last show where Kobra would be performing with them. She hadn't really talked to Tommy that day, since she didn't really know what to say to him.

 When the show had ended, and they ended up back backstage together, Tommy cleared his throat and said, "Well. That went great, didn't it?"

 Kobra nodded, not quite looking him in the eye. "Yeah. It was." She looked up at him. "I've...had fun with you, Tommy."

 "Yeah. Me, too," Tommy said. "So. We'll...see each other again sometime, won't we?"

 "Of course we will," Kobra said. "I think I'll miss you in the meantime." She sighed. "I'm gonna head back to the bus." 

 She turned away, but she felt Tommy grab her firmly by the arm. When she turned back to look at him, he said softly, "Don't go just yet."

 Pulling her towards him, he bent down and kissed her. Kobra kissed him back, wrapping her arms around his shoulders.

 "We are definitely going to see each other again," she whispered.

 Tommy smiled. "I'm counting on it."

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