The Someday Idea (Rommy)

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 It was a rather cold night for lying in the grass and staring up at the nighttime sky for at least half an hour, but the two men doing exactly that didn't seem to think so since that's how long they'd been lying there together. 

 "It's so quiet out here at this time," Tommy said, breaking a silence. "It'd be nice to be somewhere like this all the time, wouldn't it?" 

 "To be somewhere quiet together without anything to worry about?" Roy replied. "I wish. It's not usually that easy." 

 "I know. I think that's why it's important when we do get moments like this." Tommy turned his head away from the stars to look at Roy. "We're going to be together for a while longer, right? You and me?" 

 Roy gave him a confused look. "Well, yeah. I thought we were, at least." 

 "We were. I mean, we are. I'm definitely not going anywhere." 

 "Okay. Well, neither am I, then." 

 Tommy smiled. "Good. It's a nice idea, though, isn't it? You and me, together forever?" 

 "Of course it is." 

 "No, really, Roy. You must have thought about it at some point. Getting married, living together permanently, all that eternal stuff. Can you imagine us having a wedding?" 

 Roy scoffed. "Yeah, okay." 

 "No, for real. We'd have a wedding, invite everybody and throw a real party, wouldn't we?" 

 Roy abruptly sat up. "Did you being me out here to propose to me?" 

 "No, no. Well, at least not yet. I mean, I guess something like that would still be a little far-off. I was...kind of serious. Have you thought that far ahead?" 

 "Yes, of course I've thought about it before," Roy answered. "But like you said, I think it's still a little far-off. Maybe somewhere in the near future, though." 

 "So...if I did propose to you someday?" 

 "Then I might say yes that someday. But please wait for then, and not right now." 

 Tommy smiled. "Okay. I'll hold off on all those wedding plans for now. You do know we'll have plenty of people to invite?" 

 "Yes, and I'm sure it would be a great day." 

 That was the end of the conversation, but the idea was still there in both their heads, and it would be going away anytime soon. 

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