The Second Chance (Smoor)

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A sequel to "When Exes Meet Again" 


 After that day when they bumped into each other on the sidewalk, Floor and Simone began talking again. Neither one had gotten rid of the other's phone number like someone people might if they're angry enough. It started off as a few texts or the occasional phone call, just so one of them could see how the other was doing. They began to talk more and more often as time went on, and it got to a point where they were perfectly comfortable talking to each other again. 

 They both felt it was a good thing that they hadn't lost touch completely. Maybe they could at least try to be friends again. Just because their romantic relationship hadn't worked out in the end didn't mean that they couldn't be friends like they once were. They decided they would like to try being friends again, but they both secretly wondered how it would be if they did give a romantic relationship another try. 

 A possible answer came on a day Simone had to leave. She was going on tour with Epica, and Floor offered to drive her to the airport. Simone was originally going to refuse Floor's offer, but then decided she would like the opportunity to talk to Floor in person before she had to leave. 

 On the drive to the airport, Floor broke the silence by asking, "Simone, is there any chance you would want to try being friends again? I know it's been a while since the last time we were just friends, but I really think it could be worth another try." 

 "I think so, too," Simone replied. "Yeah, of course I would like that." 

 "Okay. You know, I think it really was good luck that we bumped into each other on the sidewalk that day, and that we've gotten to this point." 

 "Good luck?" Simone repeated. "You think so?" 

 Floor shrugged. "What else could it be? I feel pretty lucky." 

 It felt almost like old times, Simone thought, the two of them driving around town together. It would have been nice if things were still like old times. 

 When they arrived at the airport, Simone got her suitcase out of the trunk and said, "Thank you for offering to bring me here. I should go meet up with the guys, but I'll keep in touch, okay?" 

 Floor nodded. "Yeah. I'll keep in touch, too." 

 Simone knew this was the part where she said goodbye and went into the airport, but part of her didn't want to walk away. She wrapped her arms around Floor and hugged her. 

 "I've missed you," she said. "I've missed being with you, they way we used at be." She looked up at Floor. "Do you think we might be able to have a second chance?" 

 "I do," Floor answered. "I just wasn't sure if I should say so." 

 Simone hugged her again, and then said, "Okay, I think now I really have to go. I absolutely promise I'll be in touch soon. Please don't find anyone else while I'm gone." 

 "I promise." 

 "Okay." Simone kissed her cheek. "Bye." 

 Floor waited until she was gone to get back in the car. It really did seem like their second chance was coming now. All she had to do was wait for Simone to come home, which now was going to be even more agonizing. 

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