For Real (Charlize)

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 Charlotte Wessels hung around the airport waiting for the next flight to come in. That was the one Elize Ryd was on. Charlotte had told her she would be there to greet her when she arrived, and she planned to stick around until the plane came in.  

 Charlotte and Elize had recently begun dating. They hadn't been going out for too long, and their relationship wasn't anything too serious, at least not yet. Charlotte wondered if waiting around like this to greet Elize when she flew in was showing a little too much commitment this early on, but Elize didn't seem to care; when they talked on the phone, she sounded excited to know Charlotte would be there. 

 When Elize came into the airport, she beamed when she saw Charlotte and ran over to hug her. 

 "Oh, I'm so glad you're here," she said, hugging Charlotte. "It's great to see you. I'm just going to bring my suitcase to my hotel and change, and then we should spend some time together." 

 Charlotte nodded. "Yeah, I was hoping we could." 

 They took a taxi to the hotel, and Charlotte waited in the lobby for Elize. When she came back down, she asked, "So, what should we do?" 

 "I know a great restaurant not far from here," Charlotte suggested. "I think you'll like it." 

 The two women left the hotel and began to walk down the street together. As they did so, Charlotte felt a nagging need to talk to Elize about the current status on their relationship. 

 "Elize," she began, "I've been meaning to talk to you about something. About you and me." 

 "You and me? What about?" 

 "Well, we've been dating for a little while now," Charlotte continued. "I mean, I know it's just been some casual dates and all, but I have really enjoyed the dates we've had. I mean, I really like you. I want to make this something more serious, be a real couple. What do you think?" 

 Elize smiled. "You know, I was going to bring up with you tonight, but it looks like you've beat me to it." She gave Charlotte a quick kiss on the mouth. "Yes, I'll be your girlfriend, Charlotte. Now, let's hurry and get to this restaurant. There's some dark skies overheard, and I don't want to get caught in any rain." 

 They grabbed hands and hurried down the street together, smiling and giggling as they did so. 

Metal Band One-ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora