There For Christmas (Kobravik)

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 Kobra and Tommy promised they would see each other for Christmas. They just didn't know if they would be able to hold up that promise.

 First off, each of them wanted to visit their families first. After so much time out touring, both of them were relieved to just go home. But they each constantly stared at their phones, wondering if the other would call. And if they did, neither one was sure what they would say.


 Tommy looked at his watch. It was Christmas Eve, and it was getting late, but that was just where he was. He and Kobra lived in different time zones, so where she was, it was at least a few hours earlier where she was.

 It would be hard to catch a plane at this time on Christmas Eve, but if he hurried, maybe he could get there in time...

 While was he waiting at the airport, he texted Kobra to ask her for her address, so he would know where exactly he was going. Within about five minutes, he got a reply with an address and, Why?

 He smiled and texted back, I'm coming for Christmas.


 Kobra Paige was alone at her place. She was curled up on the sofa, watching the minutes tick away. Tommy had texted her hours ago, asking for her address and saying he was coming Christmas. She didn't know if he was actually coming, and if he was if he would even make it, but she could hope.

 When they had first talked about getting together for Christmas, it was more like a joke than a serious vow. But of course, things changed. Things between them got a lot more serious than they originally were, and the idea of spending Christmas together became more of a reality.

 So, Kobra waited. She waited for quite a while. Being alone on Christmas Eve kind of sucked, but she was going to give him to midnight to show up. If not, she would just go to bed and hope he would show up on Christmas Day instead.

 Finally, when it was just midnight, Kobra sighed and got up. Tommy obviously wasn't coming that night. Hopefully, he would arrive at a reasonable time in the morning, and not 3 AM or something like that.

 And then she heard a knock at the door. No one would be visiting at this time, so she knew who it had to be.

 She opened the door to find Tommy standing right outside.

 "Did I make it at a good time?" he asked.

 Kobra looked at the clock. It had just hit midnight.

 She smiled. "Yes, Tommy. You have perfect timing."

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