The Night Before (Crimone)

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 The sun had recently set, and it was officially dark out. There were two women who were still wide awake, even though they should have been getting themselves to bed. They had a big day planned the next day, and it was something they ought to have both been well-rested for. 

 "So, you're saying we can't be in the same room together?" Cristina Scabbia asked. 

 "No, it's the whole night," Simone Simons answered. "It's that old superstition about how the bride and groom shouldn't be together on the night before the wedding day." 

 Cristina furrowed her brow. "But there is no groom. It's you and me." 

 "I know, but it would probably still count if it's two brides instead." 

 "All right, so it's an old tradition. What happens if they spend the night before the wedding together?" 

 Simone opened to her mouth to speak, but then she paused, and then shrugged. "I don't know," she said. "I think it's just supposed to be bad luck or something like that. We can't have any bad luck on our wedding day, Cristina." 

 Cristina sighed. "Yeah, I know. I can't imagine making it this far and then some bad luck comes along and ruins it all. So, can we at least stay in the same apartment together?" 

 "I would think that's reasonable," said Simone. "I'll just stay in the spare room tonight." 

 "No, you don't have to do that. I'll take the spare room." 

 "Are you sure?" 

 "Yeah." Cristina nodded. "You stay in our room. I'll be fine." 

 "Okay. If you're really sure about it. Maybe we should start going to bed soon," Simone suggested. "We have to get plenty of sleep and be up bright and early so we'll have plenty of time to get ready." 

 Cristina smiled. "You're probably right. I can't wait for you to walk down that aisle tomorrow." 

 "Neither can I." Simone gave her a quick kiss. "I'm going to go get ready for bed. See you in the morning?" 

 Cristina kissed her again. "Tomorrow, bright and early. I'll do my best to stick to it." 

 "Well, I am, too, so I guess we will see each other bright and early." 

 Simone walked away, and Cristina heard their bedroom door open and close. She lay down on the sofa and stared up at the ceiling. She didn't know how she could possibly get any sleep, knowing what tomorrow would bring. 

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