Their Destructive Affair (Sharja)

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 Sharon stood on the doorstep. She just stood there for a while, staring at the door. Inside her, she was try to gather the courage to knock on the door. Just knock, she thought, and see what happens.

 But she afraid to. To be quite honest, if she knocked on the door, she didn't know if Tarja would welcome her in, or slam the door in the face. The latter was probably the more likely.

 But Sharon didn't have to knock. While she was still arguing with herself in her head, the door opened, and there stood Tarja herself.

 "Hi, Sharon," she said. "I saw you out the window, just...staring at the door. Are you okay?"

 "Uh, yeah. Yeah, I'm fine," Sharon replied. "I, um, I wanted to come see you. Can I...come in?"

 Tarja stood staring at her for a few seconds, and Sharon figured this would probably be the part where she slammed the door in her face. But she didn't. She stepped aside, and let Sharon in.

 "Thanks," Sharon said. " are you? How-how have things been?"

 "Not completely terrible. It's been lonely," Tarja said, "But I've been dealing with it. What about you?"

 She shrugged. "I've been better."

 An awkward silence ensued, one that Sharon couldn't stand. Here she was, standing in front of Tarja, and now that she was, she had no idea what to say.

 But Tarja filled the void by asking, "Why are you here, Sharon? With the way things were the last time we saw each other, I didn't think you would show up here."

 "I didn't think I would, either," said Sharon. "But I had to come see you, Tarja. I've missed you. I've missed being with you. And don't tell me you don't miss it, because that's not the kind of thing you can miss."

 Tarja turned away. "We shouldn't do this, Sharon."

 "Yes, we should." Sharon grabbed her by the hand. "I hate the way we left things. We're better than that?"

 "Are we really?" Tarja yanked her hand away. "Look at what we did, Sharon. Look at the pain we caused."

 "You think I haven't looked at it? I know what we did."

 The part about destruction was the truth. They'd gone so deep in their affair that they had hurt people. Sharon and Robert were over, and Tarja was getting a divorce. But they hadn't been able to help it. They had been so drawn to each other, and fell so in love so quickly that they couldn't help it. Sharon still loved Tarja; that was the one thing that didn't change through everything.

 "We hurt the men in our lives," said Sharon. "I know that. But they've left us, haven't they? For good reasons. We're both going to be single again. When we were had our romance, we weren't really available, were we? But now we're certainly going to be."

 "What are trying to say, Sharon?" Tarja asked with a sigh.

 "Go on a date with me," she answered. "Let me take you out on a real date. We can have a real romance now, no holding back. I can give you all of my love, not just part of it. All of it. Please, Tarja. Give me the chance."

 Tarja looked away from her again, and she waited. This was the moment. Tarja was either going to say yes or tell her to get out.

 When she looked at her again, Sharon was surprised to see tears in her eyes.

 "I've missed you," she said. "Of course I've missed you, Sharon. If you think this could still work...I'll try. I'll really try."

 Sharon nodded. "Okay. Okay, I'll, um, I'll text you a time. Uh, you can decide the place if you want."

 "Okay. Thank you for coming by, Sharon."

 Sharon let Tarja walk her out, and she stood on the doorstep, a smile on her face.

 This was the start she was looking for.

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