Seeing Each Other Again (Floorja/Tuorja)

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 Tarja wasn't sure about going backstage. The Nightwish concert had just ended, and Tarja was amazed by Floor's voice. Of course, she had already known all about Floor's amazing talent, but it was enjoyable to watch her on stage.

 If it was just Floor, Tarja gladly would have bounded backstage to her. But the rest of the band would be there, too, and that was the problem. She didn't really want to see them, and she doubted they would want to see her.

 She managed to quietly slip in unnoticed, thinking she would just go find Floor and get out of there as quickly as possible.

 But it wouldn't be possible, because she soon caught his eye. Once their eyes were locked, they couldn't look away.

 "What are you doing here?" Tuomas asked, clearly so much at a loss for words that he couldn't think of anything else to say.

 "I'm...looking for someone," she answered. "If you'll just let me through-"

 "No." He seemed to be coming out of his shock. "No, you're not supposed to be here. You shouldn't be here. Who would you even be looking for here?"

 "Tuomas," came a new voice, "Relax, okay? There's nothing to worry about. She's with me."

 It was Floor. She patted Tuomas gently on the shoulder and came to stand next to Tarja. He looked between the two women as what Floor meant registered in his mind. "'re..."

 "Yeah," Floor said. "Kinda forgot to mention I found myself a girlfriend."

 "Well, it's...understandable why you would be hesitant to say anything," Tuomas said. "We're just wrapping up here if you want to go."

 "Okay. See you tomorrow, then," Floor said. "Come on."

 Tarja hesitantly moved away from Tuomas, the two still looking at each other.

 "You okay?" Floor asked her. "That wasn't too uncomfortable, was it?"

 "No. It's fine," Tarja said absently.

 Truthfully, she didn't think she was fine. Seeing Tuomas again after all this time...she wasn't as angry as she thought she would be. It was years ago, after all. No, instead of anything hostile, she found a lot of old, suppressed feelings returning, feelings she had always ignored.

 She glanced back again to see Tuomas still looking at her, his face unreadable, but she knew him well enough to know his mind was racing. She wondered if he was thinking about her.

Metal Band One-ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora