Stuck In An Elevator (Danlissa)

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 And that was exactly the problem. Alissa and Daniel were, quite literally, trapped in an elevator together. What went wrong, they didn't know, just that the elevator suddenly stopped before they got to their destination.

 "What do you think it is?" Alissa asked Daniel.

 "Well, something must be wrong somewhere," Daniel said, looking up the ceiling with crossed arms. "We are definitely not moving."

 "How long do you think it'll take to get fixed?"

 He shrugged. "Not sure. We could be in here for a long while."

 "But we have a show to play tonight. We can't exactly perform if we're in here and the rest of the band is out here."

 "Well, they definitely need you," said Daniel. "I think you're the one everyone's waiting to see." 

 "Hey, we need you, too. You're the drummer. Someone has to give the songs a beat."

 "All right, then we're both necessary. Well, if we're not in time, at least we know Michael will call off the show. He knows they need a vocalist and a drummer. In the meantime, I think all we can do is wait."

 "Great." Alissa sat down on the floor, her back leaning against the wall. "How long have we been in here for?"

 Daniel looked down at his watch. "About ten minutes."

 Alissa groaned. "We're going to be in here forever, aren't we?"

 "Sure feels like it." He sat down next to her. "Well, they have to get us out of here eventually if they don't want us to starve."

 "Don't." She held up her hand. "Do not talk about food, because then we'll probably get hungry, and we have nothing to eat in here."

 "Right, right. Good point. Well, this is going to get boring, isn't it? We have nothing to do besides stare at the doors and wait for them to open. I'm pretty sure this make could anyone feel claustrophobic. Or make them fall asleep."

 Alissa nodded. "How much longer has it been?"

 "Another few minutes."

 She sighed. "I can't wait to get out of here. This is going to ruin riding elevators for me."

 "Oh, next time we're taking the stairs for sure. But at least we have each other to talk to, so we're less likely to go insane."

 "Yeah. I'm glad we're friends, then. If we weren't friends, I don't think we'd want to talk to each other."

 "So being trapped in here together would be a nightmare," Daniel said. "I get it. Good thing I liked you from day one."

 She smiled a little. "What a coincidence. I liked you from day one, too. You've been a great bandmate." She sighed again and rested her head on his shoulder. "Remember what you said about this being able to make someone fall asleep?"

 "Is it actually working?"

 "I think so. I feel tired. If I fall asleep, wake me up when we can get out of here?"

 "Sure. You get some sleep if you need it."

 Just when Alissa thought she might actually nod off to sleep, she suddenly felt the feeling of the elevator moving.

 "Are we moving?" she asked.

 "Seems like it," Daniel answered.

 The elevator doors opened, and the rest of the band was there waiting for them.

 "Finally," Michael said when he saw them. "They said it would be fixed in about ten minutes."

 "Well, we were certainly in there for longer than that," said Daniel, getting up to his feet. "Now, we've got a show to play. But first, I think Alissa and I are going to get something to eat." He smiled at her. "Mentioning did make me a little hungry."

 Alissa smiled back. "All right. Let's go."

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