A Bundle of Nerves (Floorja)

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 Things were busy backstage as Tarja was preparing for her concert. She still had enough time that could relax a little if she wanted, but she always got this excited before going on stage.

 While she was changing and getting herself ready, she was also waiting for someone whom she had invited to perform with her. So far, she was a no-show, but Tarja hadn't heard that she wouldn't be able to make it, so she assumed she was coming.

 It was an hour before the concert was supposed to start. Tarja was already dressed and ready to go, and was really just a jumble of nerves. She didn't know why, since she was never this nervous about being on stage. It had to be because her guest performer hadn't showed up yet.

 Where was she? Tarja sat down and wondered. Sure, she still had time, but it wasn't like her to show up that late.

 But then she heard, "Hey, Tarja?"

 Tarja looked up, suddenly feeling hopeful. There was Floor Jansen, her guest performer, standing before her, and looking somewhat nervous while she was.

 "Floor!" Tarja got up and hugged her. "Oh, it's so good to see you."

 "Yeah." Floor hugged her back after hesitating for a moment. "It's good to see you, too. Um, thanks for inviting me to come perform with you tonight."

 "Of course. I'm glad you said yes. I promise it'll be fun. Why don't you sit down? We still have a little time."

 Floor nodded. "Yeah, okay." She sat down in one of the chairs. "So, I have to tell you, I was actually kind of surprised to get your invitation."

 "Really? Why?"

 She shrugged. "I don't know. I guess it was just kind of unexpected."

 "Hmm. I think I get it," Tarja said. "But we barely ever see each other anymore. I thought us doing a few songs together would be fun. Are you okay, Floor? You seem like you're really nervous about something."

 Floor shrugged again. "I don't know. I think I feel kind of nervous. You're pretty famous, you know, which I'm sharing the stage with someone famous tonight."

 "Well, so are you. Don't worry about it. We're going to have fun on stage, and then it'll be over." Tarja gave her another hug. "Try not to be such a bundle of nerves, okay?"

 Floor smiled. "Okay. Thanks. I guess I'd better go get ready." She got up to leave.

 "Hey, Floor?"


 Tarja looked up at her, and said, "Thanks again. You know, for coming."

 Floor smiled again. "Thank you for inviting me along."

 When she had walked away, Tarja leaned back in her chair and sighed. She had forgotten how much she had liked spending time with Floor, and how much she liked seeing her. Now it all came back to her. The real reason she was so nervous, she thought, had to be because of Floor.

 And who knew? Maybe Floor was so nervous because she liked her, too.

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