A Love Letter (Tomlotte)

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 Charlotte Wessels was pretty sure she had a crush on Tommy Karevik. She had no clue how it even happened; it was suddenly there, and it took some time for her to realize it. She didn't even know what it was about Tommy, but there he was, and she was falling for him. He was a good person, and she liked how serious and committed he was about music, because she felt the same way.

 Charlotte would have just come out and told Tommy she liked him that much. But she didn't. She and Tommy got along really well, but he didn't show any signs of being romantically interested in her. Deep down, she had a fear of being rejected. What if Tommy had no romantic interest in her at all? She didn't want to tell him if it would mess up this new friendship of theirs.

 For a while, Charlotte was at a loss as to what she should do. But then she did have an idea. Why not write him a letter? Maybe it would be a little easier than telling him in person. It still took her time to figure out what she ought to write, but eventually she came up with this:

Dear Tommy,

 I've known you for a while, and I didn't know how to tell you any of this in person. I had hoped it would be easier to write this on paper, but it isn't really much easier, because I am not even sure what to write.

 The truth is that I like you more than you probably think I do. I have no idea what it is about you, but it's you I have a thing for. I've had these feelings for a while, and I wanted to tell you, but I guess I'm just too nervous to tell you in person.

 If you know who wrote this, and if you feel the same way at all, please let me know. If not, just get rid of this letter, and we don't have to talk about it if you don't want to.


 She knew it wasn't very subtle to sign her initials, but at least that way he could figure out who sent him the letter. She sent the letter to his address, and now the only thing she could do was wait and see what happened.


 Charlotte didn't see Tommy for a while after mailing the letter. She wondered if he had gotten it, if he read it, what he would think when he read it. Her hope was that maybe he felt some of what she was feeling, and he would tell her just that. She hoped he wouldn't just get rid of it. She knew that however Tommy felt, whether he felt the same way or not, he would tell her.

 After a month had gone, someone rang the doorbell. Charlotte went to answer it, hoping maybe it would be Tommy, and panicked inside when she opened the door and he was standing outside.

 "Hi," she said, trying to sound casual. "What's up?"

 "Hey." Charlotte wasn't sure if she was imagining for not, but Tommy looked very nervous. "Um, I, uh, wanted to ask you about something."

 "Oh. Okay. What's up?"

 "Well...here." He pulled out a piece of paper out of one of his pockets. "I got this in the mail, and it wasn't too hard to figure out you wrote it. I'm guessing you really wanted me to know, since you signed your initials. I don't know many people with those initials."

 "Oh. Wow. This is kind of awkward, then. So, that's why you're here?"

 "Yeah. So, do you want to go out sometime? I mean, like a date?"

 Charlotte raised her eyebrows. "What, an actual date?"

 Tommy nodded. "Yeah."

 "Oh. Wow, I wasn't expecting this." Charlotte smiled. "Yeah. Um, can you meet me here tomorrow night?"

 "Yeah, sure. Charlotte...I'm glad you said something. The letter was a bit awkward, but also really sweet. It just felt like a letter you would write."

 Charlotte smiled wider. "Then I guess that's me, then. Now, get out of here, would you? You have a date to get ready for?"

 Tommy smiled. "So, do you, don't you? I will be here tomorrow night."

 "Then I'll wait up for you."

 Charlotte closed the door, and kept on smiling. This was a better outcome than anything she had already imagined happening.

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