Sunset Beach (Korcey)

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 People always talk about watching the sunset, and that's probably because it's a beautiful sight. With the colors that fill the sky as the sun sinks in the sky, it can be fascinating to watch.

 On a beach somewhere, two women were watching that sunset together. Each one was thinking that it was certainly beautiful, but not as beautiful as the woman sitting next to her.

 "Best vacation ever, right?" Korey asked.

 Lacey nodded. "Yeah. I'm glad we decided to do this. It feels like we really needed something like this, you know?"

 "Yep. One two-week, drama-free vacation, you and me. Well, except the time we fought over what to have for dinner at that restaurant. But that was kind of a tough decision."

 Lacey sighed. "I hate that today was the last day, and that we have to pack up and leave tomorrow. I mean, not that I wish I didn't have to go home."

 "I get it," said Korey. "This has been a great vacation. I mean, vacations are usually fun, but...I guess a vacation with you was the most fun out of all of them."

 Lacey smiled. "I've loved having a vacation with you, too. That's why I wish it didn't have to be over, because I have so much fun with you."

 Korey returned her smile. "I have a lot of fun with you, too. That's why it sucks that it's over already. We have to take another sometime soon. Well, I guess not too soon, but you know what I mean. You and me, on another beach together, taking in the sunset like we are now."

 "Definitely. It really is a beautiful sunset, isn't it?"

 "Hmm. I guess it is. A fitting end to a great vacation. But it still isn't as beautiful as you, Lacey."

 Lacey sighed. "Of course you would come up with a line like that."

 "Exactly. Of course I would. I love you, Lacey."

 She smiled again. "I love you too, Korey."

 The two women kissed, and snuggled closer together on the sand to watch the last of the sunset.

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