Their True Meeting (Marone)

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 A sequel to 'The Secret Teacher' and 'Their Dark Secret'


 The next day Simone went to her dressing room to find a note lying on the vanity table. She unfolded it and read:

 My dear Simone,

 I know I have always been secretive with you. You are my only friend, and I like to think of myself as your friend. But if we are to be true friends, then I cannot go on keeping secrets from you.
  I know you will be busy with your performance tonight, so come to the opera house early tomorrow morning, and go out to the back. I will be awake and waiting for you. 


 Simone smiled to herself. Mark wanted to them to meet for real, face-to-face, and not only be her faceless teacher. She could know and see just who her mysterious mentor truly was.


 Just as the sun was rising, Simone went out to the old lot behind the opera house, where it had said in the note for her to come. She looked around, but saw no sign of anyone. It was still early, so no one would be there yet. But that was just it. She saw signs of no one, not even Mark.

 "Mark?" she called. "I'm here."

 There was a grating sound, and she looked down in surprise to see the cobblestone ground being pushed up.

 "Are we alone?" she heard.

 She nodded. "I think so."

 The stones were pushed up the rest of the way to reveal a man underneath. He looked quite ordinary, as a matter of fact. The one remarkable thing, though, was the black mask he wore across his face. If it weren't for that, he probably would have looked like an ordinary person.

 "You're surprised to see me like this," he said.

 "I'm surprised to see you at all," Simone replied. "You don't really live in the ground, do you?"

 "In a way, yes. But there's a perfectly comfortable home down there. Will you come down with me?"

 Simone placed her hand in his outstretched one. It was the same hand she held just two nights before. She couldn't have known for certain, but somehow she just knew.

 "There's a ladder here," Mark said. "Very easy to get down. Just follow me."

 Simone climbed down after him, and looked around. "It's very dark, isn't it?"

 "It always. I always carry this with me." He took down a lantern from where he had left it hanging on the wall. "Now, through this tunnel here is it."

 "How far down underground do you live?" she asked as they walked.

 "Not very far," he answered. "Other than this passageway, there are a few others that lead into the opera house. I've always enjoyed going up there to listen to the music."

 They came to an arched opening that led into a little sitting room.

 "Do sit down," Mark said, gesturing to the chair by the fireplace.

 "Did you build all of this?" Simone asked.

 "Not myself. I've no idea who was here before me, but the piano and the fireplace were already here."

 "And how did you come to live here?"

 "Oh, it was many years ago." He sat down at the little piano and ran his fingers over the keys. "I came by the opera house because I heard the music, and accidentally came across this place. I spent days after that exploring the passageways, and soon realized that this would be a perfect home."

 She nodded. "And why the mask?"

 His fingers paused. "The mask is the reason why I live down here. Years ago, I was badly burned in a fire. I quickly took to wearing a mask, and the stares and whispers soon became unbearable."

 "Why did you want to be friends with me, then?" Simone asked.

 "Because I liked you the moment I first saw you. I did have a musical education growing up, and I saw potential in you. I wanted to teach you, and I hope you understand why I asked you to keep me secret."

 "Of course I do," she said. "I won't tell anyone. Promise."

 He smiled and nodded. "Thank you, Simone. I suppose I should be getting you back up. You'll be expected for rehearsals soon enough." 

 She sighed. "Yes, I will."

 They went back through the tunnel and up the ladder together.

 "Can I come back again?" Simone asked.

 "Anytime you like," Mark answered. "I will see you soon."

 She nodded. "Soon."

 She walked into the opera house with a smile, knowing that she had a true friend now, and everything would be alright.

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