39✖️True colours

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Time was passing torturously slow.

My nose was still clearly bleeding; I didn't need to see the blood to know, I felt the impact the blood loss had on me. I was light headed, only just aware of my surroundings.

The sound of a large metal vault door squealed open, turning my head left to reveal several men stood on the other side. A glint flashed in my eyes occurring from the objects they were holding. I couldn't quite work out what the shapes were; until the men made their way over.

Knives and guns.

They were in possession of multiple types of knives: small kitchen knives all the way to massive butchers knives.

My heart beat increased rapidly, I'm surprised they didn't notice it. My breathing picked up as the palpitations began. I was too shaken to speak, just nervously watching their every move.

One man especially caught my eye. Lifting his axe knife, stroking the blade gently with his finger.

"I told you we wouldn't go easy sweetheart."

A tear rolled down my cheek, I shook my head with all the power I had remaining to remove it. I admit, I was fearing for my life. But I'll never show my weakness.

"But don't worry, we won't kill you. Just a little punishment for disobeying your boss." He smirked. This was the man that injected me in the first place, his grin made me nauseous.

"You're so sick. Why is Mr Kim even like this?" I sent him a disgusted voice, attempting to act brave.

The other men laughed making me feel slightly stupid.

"It's just something he enjoys. And so do we."

I wanted to vomit.
For fun.

I scoffed, immediately regretting my actions when one man approached, slicing his knife over my cheek. Followed by several more; laughing at my whimpering state.


Third person

Jae-jin typed in the private password for the modern glass building stood before them; allowing the doors time to open.

Bangtan looked around, analysing the unusual building containing agents that are probably hunting for them at this precise moment.

Rose made her way in first, in search for the boss while Jae- jin gestured the seven men to follow him.

Heads down with hands in pockets, concealing the guns held inside.

Mr Kim was currently nattering with a male worker, piling him with paper work. Only to be interrupted by Rose, making a conversation with him, looking at the sneaking boys in the corner of her eyes.

They went down several sets of stairs, finally reaching a large metal door with secured locks. Jae inspected the door, looking for any sign of opening; suddenly remembering all the security cameras scattered around the building that they've passed.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck." He cursed.

Bangtan furrowed their eyebrows; Jimin questioning what the problem is.

"I forgot about the security cameras. Someone checks them every fifteen minutes." He looked at the time on his phone, "we have ten minutes until they'll replay the last set of activities. We need to work fast."

Jungkook began to ask, "How do we get int"—

An ear piercing cry was heard on the other side of the door, the eight men recognising the owner straight away.

"Lizzie." Jin whispered with anger.

"We need to fucking get in there!" Taehyung whisper shouted, anxious about the possible activities taking place behind that door.

"I have an idea..." Suga began.

They all snapped their necks towards him in anticipation.

"But I don't know if it will work. It depends how close they are to the door."


Back to Lizzies Pov

I cried in pain while three of the men stood around me, slicing my skin in any available spot as if my body was an art canvas. The others just stood there, laughing at my humiliated form.

"Enough." One of the bystanders commanded.

I attempted to gather myself, still acting strong. Though I was extremely thankful that they've stopped themselves from going any further.

Think again.

"Time for the gun."

"Now Lizzie, I would love to shoot you in the head... but that's bosses job. So I'll just shoot you in another place for now. Just where?"
He smirked, walking around my chair. He knelt down in front of me, placing his hands on my slashed up thighs.

I glared at him; having no strength to talk.

"I know." He muttered slyly, removing the gun from his pockets and placing it above my lower abdomen. My breath hitched, trying my hardest to prepare myself for the extremely painful impact my dominated body was about to suffer.

His finger slowly began to press down on the trigger.



There was no pain.

Maybe because the bang wasn't the gun.

It was an explosion.


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