34✖️Dance with me

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The car journey was nothing to brag about; just simple silence. Occasionally starting a small talk about plans for tonight. The truth is, we have no plans, we are just going along with it.

After a twenty minute drive, both cars arrived at a large mansion, lit up with fairy lights and guarded by bulky men in suits. Mr Kim was definitely correct about possessing weapons, every single guest needed to be pat down.

I felt very uncomfortable.

Taehyung didn't approve either.

"Chill out brother, he's not touching her up." Jin chuckled, amused by the jealous Tae, glaring at the man currently patting me down.

The hall was packed, everyone was hidden behind their masks; any of these people could be my boss or even his men. We all remained close, fighting our ways through the crowd, our aim was to get to the bar. You would have guests dancing together or just chatting having an enjoyable time. A wave of sadness overcame, questioning to myself why can't I live like that.

No worries about dangerous men.

No hiding.

No running.

The bar was empty, me Jungkook, Hobi and Taehyung sat down while the others went wondering off. One plan that we did have was not to communicate with each other in a large group due to the fact it'll attract attention. Instead, we will message each other on the group.

Namjoon: We're going to walk around and see if we can spot him.

Jungkook: Oki poki

Lizzie: Is Suga with you?

Suga: Yes

Hobi: Good be careful

Jungkook changed the name to: Slap that wack

Slap that wack

Suga: What the fuck

I chuckled to myself at the group chat, one thing that I adore about these men is they can be terrifying one second but pranksters the next. Even if they're in a tricky situation, they'll all have humorous jokes in line.

I began swishing my remaining coke around in the glass, bored.

I looked at Taehyung, he was carefully watching the couples currently on the dance floor then making his way to face me.

"Dance?" He placed his hand out in front of me, acting superior.

I snorted, "I can't dance."

He flashed his box smile, "neither can I."

I returned the posh actions, giggling in the process, "If you may Mr Kim Taehyung."

He smiled, grabbing my hand and leading me to the dance floor, all my problems had dissolved. Only focussing on the moment shared with Taehyung.

That little liar.

He knows how to dance, leading every move. His hands rested on my waist while I placed mine onto his shoulders. He would sometimes spin me around, staring into my eyes; possibly looking at my body every now and then. That position remained for a few more minutes, coming to an end when our attention was taken away by the main reason we're here tonight.

"I did say you two were close." A sly voice spoke, making me feel sick to the stomach. I turned around coming face to face with Mr Kim with a smirk plastered on his lips.

Taehyung stepped forward, slightly pushing my body behind him protecting me from the man that's hunting for me as if I'm prey.

"What do you want?" Taehyung groaned with gritted teeth.

Mr Kim released a sickening laugh, "You know exactly what I want. And you bloody well know what the consequences are if I don't get it." Expressing the word 'it' whilst meeting my eyes.

As if on cue, Hobi approached Mr Kim from behind, making him jump. "Where are your men Sir? Have you killed them yet? Ready to blame it on us huh?" Hobi seriously pushed his buttons.

"You boys better fucking watch out. You were quite stupid to come here. Especially with her" He spat.

"You have an hour. I won't hesitate transferring this to the big screen." He shoved his phone in our faces, a photo of Bangtan and false information about their killings. Well...
some of them were actually caused by the men but only defence wise.

With that, he swung around on his heel and left. Leaving Hobi and Tae speechless.

"One hour. We need to workout our plan in an hour."

"Lizzie, you can be our distraction."



Lmao, I'm so sorry this chapter is boring. I've got to get to the good parts somehow.

It's been a week since I released the first chapter and I'm already on 34 with 1k reads. Thank you all so much, it's really inspired me.

I hope your week is calm and relaxed, remember to stay healthy and drink plenty of water; especially now it's getting hotter.

-Star :)

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