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Lizzies POV

I became conscious gradually over time.

Regaining my knowledge of what happened.

My hands were tied behind me, the room was dark and the only trust I had holding me up was a rusty chair.

I stung all over, managing to focus on the crimson splatters on my legs. Blood was everywhere.


Third person POV

"Show me the photo again." Jae commanded, walking over to his brother Jimin who had current possession of the phone.

"I know where that is."

Everyone's eyes were on him, impatient to find out every little piece of information he knew.

"I recognise the walls. It's in Mr Kim's downstairs office. I'm not supposed to know about it but I stumbled upon it on my first day at the new agency base. No one goes in there because he locks it all the time.

Taehyung got up impatiently, nagging the others to copy him.

"Let's go then."

"Taehyung we need a plan, remember what we agreed." Namjoon assisted as soft as he could. He knew his younger sibling was angry but he understood why.

"Come on Joon, we had a plan back at the ball and look at where it got us. Nowhere. In fact, it landed us in a worse situation than we left off with." Surprisingly, Tae remained calm tempered with his choice of words.

"He does have a point, time is running out." Hobi agreed, causing everyone to get up and make their ways to the cars once again.

Tonight is going to be messy.



Sorry this chapter is so short. I need to organise my school folders really badly so I've got to be quick.

Stay positive! :)


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