Change of Story...

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So basically, as of seeing the video, we know that Remus is the dark side of creativity, it says it in the thumbnail. And you guys know how I made Virgil the dark side of creativity (aka Roman). Well, since Remus kinda fucked everything up in this fanfic lmao, I found a way to insert him while ALSO still having Insanity.

So I'm not merging the two, I'm making Insanity actually come out as Remus in hiding,

In Unaccepted, Insanity is the reason you have the thoughts of murdering someone or jumping out of a moving car, some of them are triggered by anger (Patton) and some are random. Well from the new video, we know now that that is Remus's job. So I'm changing that out of 'Insanity'

    Insanity just LOVES to inject people with some forgetting liquid or something. So the storyline is that Insanity injected everyone except Deceit to forget about Remus and only know him as Insanity, an alias.

   Patton is Thomas's emotions, so if Patton is causing Thomas's anger and/or sadness over something/someone, then if a murderous and/or destructive intrusive thought that Remus gives Thomas, won't bother him because Virgil isn't scared and Patton would be angry enough to convince Thomas to not be bothered.

    I'm also gonna make it that, everyone thinks and treats Virgil as if he was the youngest, but it's actually Remus. And that Remus injected them all to forget he's the youngest lmao.


So it'll be that Insanity/Vincent is a fake identity Remus has taken on, as well as dressing differently, and taking on a more demented persona, and not being known as Roman's twin brother. He injected everyone to forget he was Remus, except for Deceit. Because he is uncomfortable with being Remus, and personally feels like he's a disorder. Once he accepts himself, he goes back to being himself and makes everyone remember him but forget Insanity. Except for Deceit. He loves Deceit. He wouldn't do that. Another reason why he wanted to separate Roman and Virgil (while looking like Logan) is because he knows that Virgil wouldn't want to be a brother in law to Remus. Virgil still is the dark side to everyone, and Remus is mainly Roman's dark side and partially Logan's.

Virgil being the dark side to everyone makes him the strongest dark side, but also the weakest, because, well, we all know Virgil. And he left because he didn't like being the bad guy, he didn't like being "one of the dark sides". He wanted to help Thomas and protect him. Deceit wants to make him lie and/or feel bad, and he doesn't want him to live in a world where you can die for not obeying laws made in the name of a lie. Remus just randomly gives him intrusive thoughts, is the weakest side and has always been able to scare Thomas because Virgil and Patton allow him to. But the new video makes Virgil realize that Remus isn't that powerful and shouldn't be too afraid of him. But he didn't know that before, and as of this video, Virgil said: "I used to think of you as a mental illness". He didn't want to be a mental illness himself or be harming and intentionally deceiving like Deceit, so he left the dark sides. But then, the main sides inevitably treated him like a disorder anyway and he ended up feeling worse. And when he had had enough of it, he quit. He ducked out.

Now to explain the dark sides, Deceit is Patton's dark side because Patton is about morality, Thomas's emotions, and knowing what's right and wrong. Deceit knows what's right and wrong, but uses those principles to manipulate and deceive. (Also Remus chose the name Vincent because it meant 'to conquer' in Latin, and was popularized by the French)

(Quick side note: an example of all the dark sides working together is Remus gives child-Thomas a weird thought to break a plate. He ends up doing so, as he doesn't see the consequences to it, and his parents scold him and ask who broke it. Deceit comes in and makes Thomas lie because Virgil is scared of getting in trouble, while also he was probably trying to warn Thomas to not break the plate bc he could get in trouble. Virgil's voice wasn't strong enough and Thomas broke the plate. So maybe, Virgil thought that if he left he could also be stronger. And that the reason why Thomas never knew about the dark sides is because he didn't want to believe the darker parts of him, as explained by Logan in CLBG... aka, Virgil being afraid of Thomas realizing the darker parts of him, at the end of the video he says "I tried to protect you from them". Boom.)

Deceit doesn't want Thomas to be disadvantaged in a world where he can die for not following the laws made in the name of a lie. Remus wants Thomas to explore the more sinister types of creativity and to implement it into his content, because he believes that doing so could get him more views, followers, etc.

Virgil just wanted Thomas to have a safe life, which made him different from Deceit and Remus. So he left to...
1. Be accepted
2. Try to not feel so different or outcasted.
3. Do good, since he believes protecting Thomas is a good thing and not a "dark side" thing.

Except, he achieved none of it in the beginning but partially 3. He wasn't finally accepted until the video where he got so fed up with the outcasting and name calling and etc that he ducked out. That's when everyone realized they needed him. Dearly.

Now, Virgil is the dark side of everyone making him the strongest dark side, but knowing Virgil, he's also the weakest, in a way.
He is the dark side of Roman because if you have an idea for something, Anxiety can make you think it's stupid or that no one will like it and you don't end up following through with the idea. This sometimes could also be Roman becoming insecure, so this isn't always Virgil. Because Virgil isn't his MAIN dark side. That's Remus.

Virgil is the dark side of Patton (only partially tho, bc Deceit is his main dark side) because if you are driving somewhere and since it's against the law to speed (which we are ignoring what Deceit was talking about with speeding in the SvS vid bc it has nothing to do with this I'm just using speeding as an example bc I can't think of another) but you're anxious that you'll be late, you speed. (Or you mentally fight yourself because you're also worried of hurting someone or something or yourself on the road or of being pulled over.)

Virge is the dark side of Logan in the sense that, it was already proven from SvS. Virgil says:
"I once told Thomas that the drink he left alone for 10 seconds was poisoned and that if he drank it he would die. I'm not exactly a beacon of truth."
What could have possibly poisoned the drink in a matter of 10 seconds? That's illogical.

Now that I'm writing this, I'm starting to change my mind... Virgil is the dark side t everyone BUT is the MAIN dark side of Logan. He defies him the most. BUT, Remus injected Virgil to forget that and to think that Insanity is his dark side instead.

Could be editing and re-editing this.

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