Chapter 13: Not Okay

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    We need to be accepting of Anxiety, but it seems like he can't be trusted exactly yet. I want to be there for him, but this happens and he's the only one with a bat, he's the obvious attacker. Unless, someone was trying to frame him, but who? Did Roman do it to himself? Who would try to contrive such a thing? Did one of the dark sides do it..?

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Roman's POV:

I don't think that was Anxiety. Why'd he do that to me? Oh, I did tell him a shitty thing I didn't mean... Fuck... But still, I don't think he'd stoop that low to – attack me... Plus, the person that laughed while attacking me didn't sound like Anxiety. Then again I've barely heard him laugh. I have a feeling he didn't do it but then again, I feel like puking 24/7... Wait, he wasn't even in the room? He couldn't have possibly been in the room, I had just left! What?!

Thomas's POV:

    I've been trying to write scripts for videos, but all I've been able to do is post out short videos on or Instagram, or making video compilations of those shorts... I went to my usual spot for the Sanders Sides. I'm gonna call up Roman.


    He didn't appear... maybe Logan? (Summons)
"Salutations, Thomas. What do you need of my assistance?" He said as he sighed.
"Umm... Sorry, should I have summoned you later?" I asked nervously, worrying that I had ticked him off.
"Hm? Oh, I'm just a little stressed. So, what's the dilemma?" He said.
"Umm... I've had a little bit of a writer's block for an actual normal-length video..." I said. His expression changed to an 'Oh crap' instantly.
"I will be right back..." and he was off.
"Well..." I thought out loud.

I then summoned Patton.
"Patton?What'swrongwithLogan?IsRomanokay?What'shappening?" I said all at once.
"Whoa whoa whoa, kiddo. Slow down, what?" He said.
"What's wrong with Logan? And is Roman okay? What the heck is happening around here?!" I asked. He frowned.
"Someone... beat up Roman and used Anxiety's Harley Quinn baseball bat. Logan thinks it could most likely be Anxiety, but I'm just as confused..." he trailed off and looked at the floor.
"Wait, hold on, why would Anxiety beat up Roman? And even if he didn't, why anyway?" I was nervous. Who else would've done it though?
"Roman and Anxiety had a... fight, and it ended with Roman – pretty much telling Anxiety that... that..." he yelped a loud sob. He then wiped the tears that escaped his eyes.
"He wanted him... dead" he finished, wiping tears again. Oh my god, Roman!!
"What the heck?!!" I was furious. So my creativity has been damaged a little, and my Anxiety could possibly be raised? Oh god...

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