Start from the beginning

Hours later, the brainstorming session was still in full swing as they went through every possible encounter with each of the stones in order to find the best spot in their history to drop in.

The team sat together around the dining table, shoveling their chinese take out into their mouths as Rocket stood on top of the table, walking back and forth as he explained the power stone to them. Lottie and Natasha kept notes on the entire situation.

"Quill said he stole the power stone from Morag,"

"Is that a person?" Scott questioned as Lottie looked up at him.

"Quill is the person and Morag is the planet,"

"Yeah, what the super genius said,"

"Wait, a planet?" Scott's eyes grew huge. "Like outer space?"

"Oh, look. It's like a little puppy, all happy and everything," Rocket walked up to Scott, ruffling the hair on the top of his head. "Do you wanna go to space? You wanna go to space, puppy? I'll take you to space."

Tony, Lottie, and Natasha all looked up at one another, desperately trying not to laugh, but they couldn't help it. Each of them fell into laughter, so contagious that the rest of the team couldn't help but laugh along.

Scott only mumbled under his breath, angrily stabbing into his stir fry with his fork.

The sun began to set, most of the team giving up for the night as the moved off to relax and take a break. Some, though, continued on, wanting to find the answers to the stones as quickly as possible.

Nebula stood in front of Steve, Lottie, Nat, Clint, Scott, and Bruce as the photograph of the soul stone appeared behind her.

"Thanos found the Soul Stone on Vormir,"

"What's Vormir?" Natasha questioned from where her and Lottie sat together on the couch, taking notes on their notepads of the situation.

" A dominion of death, at the very center of Celestial existence. It's where... Thanos murdered my sister,"

Lottie looked up at Nebula, meeting her eyes with sympathy as the rest of the team looked away. She knew that Thanos had murdered Gamora from the conversation on Titan, but in the last five years Nebula had never opened up about her any more than that.

"Not it," Scott mumbled, Lottie's foot connecting with his shin roughly in an instant.

The moon was shining bright over head by the time the conversations about the time stone were in motion. The rest of the team had gone to sleep, vowing to continue in the morning. 

Tony, Lottie, Natasha, and Bruce were the last ones left awake. Bruce was lying on the floor, playing with his glasses. Tony laid across the table, Lottie's head resting in his lap as she laid sideways her legs dangling off the edge near Bruce's head. Natasha head then laid in her lap as they all stared up at the ceiling, tiredness overcoming them finally.

"What kind of doctor was the Doctor Strange guy?" Natasha questioned the team.

"Neurostuff meets rabbit from a hat. Nice place in the village, though,"

"That was before he became the wizard," Lottie informed Tony, waving her hands through the air. "Master of the Mystic Arts or whatever he called it."

"Yeah. Sullivan Street. Hmm... Bleecker," Bruce chimed in as Natasha shook her head.

"Wait, he lived in New York?"

"No. He lived in Toronto-"

"No, it was definitely New York-"

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