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"I know it's crazy. But I can't stop thinking about it. There's gotta be some way..." Scott shook his head, looking away from the group. "No, it's crazy."

"Scott, Lottie and I get emails from a raccoon," Natasha told him, zero emotion showing on her face. "Nothing really sounds crazy anymore."

"Doll, can you do it?" Steve asked, turning to his wife. Lottie only shook her head.

"I never read enough on it. Even if I sat down and did, I don't have the experience in the field that others do,"

"Then who can we talk to about this?"

Steve Rogers looked back to his wife, their eyes meeting. Lottie quickly caught on to what Steve was suggesting and turned away, shaking her head as she ran a hand down her face once again. Steve sighed, turning back to Nat and Scott.

"Nat, grab him something to eat and get yourselves ready. We'll leave in ten,"

Natasha placed her hand on Steve's shoulder, giving it a squeeze before she grabbed Scott, steering him toward the kitchen of the compound.

Steve took a deep breath, walking up behind Lottie. His hands trailed around her waist, pulling her to him as she turned around, looking up at her husband.

"I don't want to bother him," Lottie mumbled, staring up at the love of her life. "He wanted out of this, so we let him out. I don't want to barge in there with some absurd theory that might not even check out. We have no definitive evidence that this plan could work." 

"But what if it did? What if the theory checks out and this works?" Steve's hands trailed up, cupping Lottie's cheeks as he looked down at her, a small smile on his face. "Doll...this is it. This right here is the chance we've been waiting for, the chance to bring them all back."

"But what if we're wrong?" Lottie mumbled, her hands resting over Steve's as she held onto him. "If we're wrong, we give everyone false hope. Steve...what do we do if we're wrong?"

"I don't know. But like everything else, we're going to do it together," pulling her forward, Steve's hands returned to her waist as Lottie held onto his shoulders, their foreheads pressed together. "Till the end of the line, I told you that in our vows."

"Yeah, and I slapped you for being a giant cheese ball,"

Steve let out a low laugh, leaning down and placing a kiss on his wife's lips. Lottie fell into it before pulling back, looking up at him.



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Tony Stark moved up the dirt path toward his lake front home, adjusting his daughter, Morgan Stark, in his arms as he moved up the stairs of the porch.

"I think a handful of crickets would be perfect for you. Maybe half a glass of water and some plain bread as a dessert..."

His voice trailed off at the familiar sound of a car in his long driveway. Tony turned, a frown crossing his lips as the familiar black Audi parked itself in the driveway, his eyes meeting with Steve Rogers' own as he exited the car first, followed by Scott, Natasha, and Charlotte.

"Auntie Lottie!"

Charlotte Rogers let a smile cross her lips as Morgan Stark jumped out of her father's arm, running down the pathway and jumping into Lottie's. The woman laughed, hugging the little girl to her as she spun her around.

"There's my girl!"

"I found mommy's suit and I put it on!" Morgan whispered, the familiar Stark smirk on the young girl's lips. "It was so cool!"

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