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"The Avengers Initiative wasscrapped, I thought, and I didn'teven qualify," Tony reminded Coulson, moving to walk toward Lottie who was standing and waiting with the laptop for him to join. "Yeah, apparently I'm volatile,self-obsessed, don't play well withothers."

"We know," Lottie and Pepper spoke at the same time, earning a look from Tony.

"This isn't about personalityprofiles anymore,"

"Yeah whatever," Tony looked down at Lottie, nodding over to the desk area to their right. "Get that thing hooked up to the hologram board, I'll be there in a sec. Ms. Potts, got a sec?"

Lottie conceded, giving Tony and Pepper their moment as she hooked the laptop up to the hologram boards. She opened the decryption file and began to unlock the files on the laptop as Tony and Pepper joined her.

"This seems serious. Phil lookspretty shaken," Pepper stated, looking down at the laptop in Lottie's hands. "What is all this?"

The files loaded as Lottie took a hold of them, throwing them up onto the hologram screens before them. The trio stopped in their tracks, eyes wide as they looked at the information presented on the screen.

Their were videos of Lottie back in World War Two, fighting her way through HYDRA bases followed by CCTV footage of her fighting alongside Natasha at Hammer industries just months ago. It was followed by a screen of footage of Tony in his Iron Man suit from various places and battles over the last year and a half.

Bruce Banner was featured on another screen, mainly footage of him working in the labs. There was some footage, although shaky, of him turning into the Hulk.

Natasha and Clint Barton had their own screen as well. Lottie had grown rather close to the pair, training under them in the last few months as she gained official clearance levels at SHIELD. The footage spanned from training sessions to missions they had been on. There was even a slide for Thor, a Norse God from outer space, something that Lottie was still trying to wrap her head around.

Her breath caught, though, as she looked at the final screen. It was Steve. All the footage was from the 40s, pictures of him in his uniform flashing across the hologram screens as Lottie appeared in some of them. The specs of his shield were shown at the top, and Lottie couldn't wrap her head around what she was seeing.

"I'm going to take the jet to DCtonight. You two have homework, lot's of homework,"

Pepper didn't give Tony a chance to protest, walking out of the room to pack her things. Tony sighed, looking back down at Lottie, only to see tears forming in her eyes as she stayed locked on the screen before her.

"Khaleesi? What's wrong?"

"Why's there video of Steve, Coulson?"

Phil Coulson wasn't sure what he was supposed to due, meeting the shocked and confused eyes of Tony Stark and the saddened eyes of Charlotte Watson. He stumbled over his words as he tried to find a way around the topic.

"Charlotte, Director Fury has informed us that-"

"Phil," Lottie cut in, her voice shaky as she pointed to the screens of Steve. "This is the Avenger Initiative. Why is Steve up there?"

Phil took a deep breath, praying to god that Director Fury wouldn't kill him for this, before he looked back at Lottie and Tony.

"We found him in the ice eight months ago, right after you took down Vanko. Captain Rogers is alive,"

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Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.


Ugh, I am so excited for you guys to see what's going to happen, I love this story so much. ALSO, if any of you know any really talented artists who are good at making manips or drawing like cartoons, please refer them to me! I would love some art of Lottie and Steve and I would do it myself but I'm not very good at it!

SLATE ◼ STEVE ROGERS◼Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat