(32) The Liv Nightmare

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Heyyy been a min sorry I've been busy with schools, finals and boring stuff
:(( buttttt enjoy the chapter!!


"I kinda took someone's parking spot, I hope they don't mind..." was the first thing Liv said to me after I opened the door for her. I rolled my eyes at that. Of course she did.

"Thanks for coming, sis, I missed you too." I said sarcastically. Liv's blue eyes lit up as a big smile stretched across her face.

"Are you kidding? Do I even have to say I missed you? You know I did, Sussex isn't the same without you..." She pouted before she dropped whatever she had in her hands and jumped on me. I laughed at her sudden display of affection and hugged my younger sister back.

"How've you been, kid?" I closed my eyes as I relished in the hug. I missed Liv, the only thing missing was Alyssa. That, and the rest of our big family, of course.

Liv pulled back from our hug and jumped down to talk to me.

"Meh, been better. Finals are next week..." She sighed. I frowned.

"Shouldn't you be studying for them, then?" I asked her. I most definitely didn't mind her being here, but she really needed to study. It was her junior year, her most important one.

She'd been here all of two minutes and I was already going all mom on her, I kinda got where she was coming from. She basically had three moms: me, Alyssa and our actual birth giver.

"Do you want me here or not? Because I can totally take a hint that I'm not wanted and it's just irritating because I drove five hours, thinking you'd want to spend time with me. If that's not the case, I might as well just get back in my car and just drive back home because I don't know if I can deal--"

"Okay! Okay, fine. I'm done." I interrupted her little rant that she always did to get people so annoyed that they dropped the conversation. Let me tell you, it always worked.

"Kay." She suddenly got all happy and closed the door behind her. I rolled my eyes with a sigh.

"Are you hungry? Tired? You can take a nap in my bed if you're tired, or you can eat some pancakes I got for you." Even though it was two in the afternoon, Liv loved pancakes. They were to her, what sushi was to me.

"Pancakes." I knew it. If heart eyes were a real thing, Liv's would be transitioning right now.

"Okay, Kristina's at her boyfriend's apartment right now, but I texted her that you're here and she'll come home." I told her as we started heading to the kitchen. The last time Liv had been here, everything had been so different.

The apartment wasn't home to me yet, I had a different mindset. I was worried about different things than I am worried about now.

It was weird, thinking back to that time. It almost seems like I was a different person when the year started.

"It's cool, I'll just eat her pancakes. So, it's true? She's really dating someone?" Liv asked, jumping up onto the stool. I nodded as I grabbed the bag of pancakes that I had picked up not even two minutes before Liv had arrived.

I knew she'd want them hot, but I also didn't want to make her drive even more to pick them up.

"He's in my Bio class, I introduced them," I told her as I opened up the bag and got out the three boxes of pancakes before I grabbed two plates.

"Cute, do I get to meet him?" She asked, reaching into Kristina's box and grabbing a pancake before I could even get it on the plate. Impatient...

"Probably, you can also meet Libby and Ashley. They're new friends. Libby's also in my Bio class, she and Ashley are dating." I responded as Liv took a bite out of the pancake.

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