(40) Laying It All Out

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Hey! I'm alive, lol, I'm sorry it took me so long to update. I wish I had a better excuse but truth be told, I started watching Scandal and just got so into it, it was all I could think about. If I picked up my computer and started writing, I would've found a way to make it similar to that, and that's not what we want lol. Anywayyy I finally got to sit down and finish this chapter. I had it 2/3 done before I stopped writing for a bit because I wasn't sure how I wanted to end it. I didn't want to reveal too much about Nathan's past there's still a lot to be answered, the kid has been through a lot. I hope this chapter make you realize that and maybe take the heat off him a little for last chapter.
I also wanted to take a minute to thank you. When I started writing this story, I was slowly starting to fall in love with it, but I didn't think anyone else would. There are so many other amazing stories out there, but I took a chance and said, what the hell, I'll post it. Even if it doesn't get reads, at least I can go back and reread. I can fall in love with the story again, because this might just be the story that I thought about the most. I perfected every single detail of their lives. I made everything the way that I, as a fellow reader, would want to know. These characters aren't just characters, they're people I spent months creating, developing, and I hope you're falling in love with them as I am. I never thought I would be getting comments to update and how much you guys are loving the story and it's surreal so thank you thank you thank you for making my dream come true and I only hope I can continue and you guys will continue to love❤️❤️


I hadn't slept well. At all. In fact, I slept so bad that I even woke up at nine in the fucking morning. When did I ever do that on a regular day? Never, that's when. I couldn't shake off everything I was feeling before I had gone to sleep, the hurt I felt at Nathan's words that I had taken it with me in my dreams.

It was only a matter of time before the truth came out, that I was the only one catching feelings. He was completely fine with the way we were working, having sex without the label. I was fine with it too for a while, but I couldn't help it. I liked how he was so different with me, or so I thought. I liked how sweet he was, I liked how he took his time with me to make sure I was pleasured before he was. I liked how I was the first girl to sleep in his bed, it made me feel different, or so I thought.

Last night proved just how stupid I was to think I was different. Isaac even warned me beforehand, one of us would get hurt. I told him 'when it comes it comes', was this it? This had to be it. The big revelation.

I tossed and turned in my covers, exasperated that I couldn't go back to sleep, extremely annoyed that in my annoyance and hurt last night, I had forgotten to make sure my curtains were closed. Stupid sunshine was in the room, right in my face. Stupid sun. My brain was foggy, but it was also confused as to why I was the only one in my bed.

Where was Nathan sleeping? Or was he already awake? The other side of the bed seemed cold, like no one had slept in it all night. I always stuck to my side of the bed, so I knew I didn't go on it. I stretched my limbs before throwing the covers off of me.

When I went to put my feet on the ground, I almost screamed in surprise at seeing Nathan sleeping on the blankets my dad had insisted Nathan sleep on, on the floor. When my dad had first given them to him, I didn't actually think he'd be using them, but I guess it would've been weird to have him sleep in the bed. It hadn't even crossed my mind last night, I was just too surprised and hurt by his words.

Instead of just staring at him creepily, I turned to the other side of the bed, stepping off on that side of the floor. Going to my closet, I quietly picked out a pair of jeans and a blouse and got dressed, before quietly stepping out of my bedroom and going into the bathroom. After brushing my teeth and washing my face, I made my way downstairs to see Alyssa and Liv at the breakfast table together.

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