(24) Dogsitting

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Hey kinky slut ;) how are you? Good I hope! I'm currently in Florida rn and it's so much fun! It is 4:00 am tho and I can't sleep because it's so hot and my bed is so uncomfortable but other than that I got a good tan so it's worth it lol anyways we're finally getting to some shit happening that is what actually starts the ball rolling. Up until this chapter, you kinda see how Sofia & Nathan come to be where they are now, after this chapter, it's all me writing what I originally had planned for dramatics coming to life. I thought about this whole entire thing tbh I know anything and everything happening that's how invested I am in this😂😂anyways hope you enjoy!!


"Libby, if we're gonna go, we gotta go now." Ashley checked her phone for the time before looking down at her girlfriend, who was hugging their dog tightly.

Libby had issues with parting with the grey husky hound, with piercing blue eyes, that she and Ashley owned. The dog was gorgeous, and very friendly, despite its breed.

"One more minute, I'm just saying bye to Lala." Libby waved Ashley off and stroked the grey fur on Lala.

"Don't you guys have to be at the hotel by sundown?" I arched a brow as I looked at Ashley. She pressed her lips together and nodded.

"Yep. If we ever get out of your apartment. Thank you, again, so much for doing this." Ashley said and I grinned.

"Of course, we love dogs. And besides, it's only two days, we'll be fine." Kristina answered for me, looking up from Lala's fur. She had been as obsessed with Lala, as Libby was, from second the dog walked into our apartment.

Technically it would be me for tonight considering Kristina had long-awaited plans tonight.

"Mama doesn't want to leave you." Libby cooed at the dog, and Ashley sighed and sat down on the couch.

"This is gonna take a while." She muttered and I laughed a little at how usual it was. Ashley probably knew how long it took for Libby to part from their dog, since she looked patient as she watched Libby.

Lala had been with Libby for a long time, apparently, and now that Libby and Ashley had officially moved in together when Ashley's lease ended, Lala became Ashley's as well.

"Fine. Fine. I'm done." Libby assured and kissed Lala's fur before standing up with a sigh.

"You know, you could've done that before I sat down." Ashley groaned, brushing back her red hair. Libby shrugged.

"Where's the fun in that?" She ignored Ashley's glare and turned to me and Kristina as I crouched down to pet Lala who leaned into my touch. "Thank you guys, this means so much to us."

I waved her off, smiling at Lala as our eyes met before cooing a 'hi'. "Don't mention it, you two deserve a weekend getaway anyway." I assured her.

"You know, I'm starting to think they only did this for the dog." Libby said to Ashley.

"Probably." Ashley snorted.

"If you're gonna go, go now. Philly's about to get real busy, real quick." Kristina said, also not taking her eyes off of Lala.

"You're right." Libby said, and Kristina and I both stood at the same time. We both gave Ashley and Libby a hug goodbye, and a 'have fun, do something I would do' with a wink.

Okay, so maybe I said that. Spending the weekend in a hotel, with no one but someone you want to get naked with all the time, seemed perfect.

As soon as we saw the door close, we turned our heads to the husky/greyhound sitting on our floor, panting while wagging its tail with its tongue out.

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