(54) Jealous? Nah

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Hi I'm sorry I'm on a roll tonight, hope you don't mind hehe. I'm fasting though, so I figured I may as well stay up since I'm gonna have to eat again in a few hours. Ramadan Kareem to those fasting too!❤️


"I think she likes you!" Toby yelled over the music as I awkwardly took the vodka cranberry from the bar counter. The female bartender had winked at me saying it was 'on the house'.

I knew it was a gay club, but I was kinda surprised when I found out the bartender was also gay. This was the second drink she had told me was on the house, and I very much appreciated not having to pay forty dollars for two drinks.

"This is so much fun!" Kristina squealed. I guess my early birthday celebration turned into a group one. Libby and Ashley were buzzing with excitement to be at a gay club, Kristina did end up coming despite 'hogging all the attention' — I love her — and she managed to drag Isaac here. Who dragged Nathan here.

I sipped my drink while I watched Kristina and Isaac.

"You know it'd be weird if you two danced right? It's a gay club." I countered and Kristina shrugged.

"Maybe I'll take one of the ladies for a spin. You don't mind, do you, babe?" Kristina looked up at her boyfriend. Isaac nearly choked on his drink.

"Are you fucking kidding? That's like my wet fantasy come to life, long as I can watch." Men. I rolled my eyes at him, as did Kristina, and sipped my drink. I watched from my peripheral vision as the two disappeared among the dancing crowd.

"What are you still doing here?! Why aren't you dancing?" I yelled to Toby. Toby smirked at me and turned his attention to Nathan, who was leaning on the bar. Poor guy, he got hit on by the bouncer, by two men on the way here, and three came up asking him to dance.

He looked so awkward every single time. It was hard not to laugh. He was popular in gay clubs, apparently.

I was used to the looks Nathan got wherever we went, and it made my heart swell every time he ignored them and was just looking at me. Tonight, I couldn't agree more with the men hitting on him. He looked straight out of a magazine with his jeans that hugged his muscular legs and nice ass, and his leather jacket and dark shirt underneath that hugged his abdomen in a delicious way that gave a nice peak at his chiseled abdomen.

God this man was beautiful and he oozed a confidence everyone was drawn to. He attracted people wherever he went, it was inevitable. Not to mention, he had sculpted cheekbones, a jaw that could cut and thick lashes that any girl would die for. I know I'd kill for those lashes.

"You wanna dance, pretty boy?" Toby knew what his answer was gonna be. He just liked watching him squirm, he said it brought him joy.

Nathan shifted uncomfortably. "Uh."

"Pity, I never took you for a homophobe." Toby frowned, and I almost laughed. Nathan furrowed his brows.

"Definitely not. Do whatever — or whoever — you want man, just not with me." Nathan replied back, causing Toby to throw his head back and laugh.

"I'm fucking with you." Toby switched his gaze to me. "I love you, we toasted to your birthday, and had a nice dinner. I'm gonna go dance, now. Okay?" Was he seriously thinking I'd be hurt that he left me? That was the whole point of being here, so he could leave me and find himself a guy.

"Go do your thing." I nudged him and he beamed at me, grabbing my face and kissing me on the lips before stalking off. I didn't miss the scowl on Nathan's face.

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