(27) Lost Connections

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Hey kinky slut ;) how are you? Been a hot minute, am I right? Been busy w/ school, I sincerely apologize. Drowning in AP... took 2 AP's this year & they're slowly killing me already and we're only 2 weeks into the school year...ha...ha...anyway this is the only time I have had basically since school started to post and I took advantage!! Me with school rn^^ but anywaysssss enjoy!! Some juicy stuff happens here but it's NOT the climax the story still has like 30 more chapters lol
Anyway, bye I love you...was that weird for you?...it was kinda weird for me...I just professed my undying love to you for reading my book ;)


"Nathan's dad is weird, right? I'm not the only one who got that vibe?" Kristina asked me as I drove out of Isaac's parking lot.

Isaac had been really confused on why everyone had left him alone, but it had quickly turned into him being glad he could take a nap.

I knew Kristina had wanted to go back to his place after, but hadn't wanted to leave me alone because of recent events. I couldn't let her life stop just because of me, so I told her that I'd drop her off at Isaac's after. I wasn't sure exactly when Nathan would come by to get his car though.

"No, you're not the only one." I sighed. "I got it too. I don't really like the guy." I added.

"I didn't even know Nathan was on good terms with his dad, I mean, I know Isaac's not on good terms with his parents and I assumed the same went for Nathan." Kristina said.

"Isaac's not on good terms with his parents? And, no, Nathan isn't on good terms with his dad. Did you just choose to ignore his dad's bleeding nose? Nathan punched the guy, you don't punch someone you're on good terms with." I said.

"Isaac and his parents kinda never got along. His parents got divorced young and both kinda treated him like he was a burden when he was with each of them. My poor baby. I guess it's what makes them too such good friends. They fended for each other." Kristina frowned.

"They shouldn't have had to, they were kids. Just like us. Could you imagine us two not having our families to fall back on when we were younger? I couldn't." I gulped.

"No, they've just always been there." Kristina sighed.

"On a scale of one to ten though, how entitled do you believe Cooper thinks he is?" I smirked as I neared a stop light.

"Are you kidding? Over the scale. The way he talked, and walked. He so thought he was entitled to everything." Kristina replied.

"He's an asshole, he asked Nathan if I was his new flavor. Right to my face." I growled. Kristina snorted.

"I can't tell if you're joking or not." Kristina said and I gave her a look to tell her, no I was not joking. "You're serious?" Her face dropped into a frown.

"Dead." I replied as the light turned green and I began driving again, pressing on the gas a little harder than necessary. Luckily there were no cars in front of us.

"Who the hell says that about someone to their face?" Kristina grumbled.

"Cooper Stone, apparently. I don't think that man has a filter over his mouth." I gripped the steering wheel tight, slowing down my speed a little before Kristina started freaking out about why the hell I was going so fast.

"I'm not so sure either." Kristina replied. Her eyes scanned the car. The seats, the dashboard, the buttons that turned on the butt warmers. She eagerly pressed them.

Ah, nice and toasty.

"Can I just say though, this car is nice." Kristina gasped as she looked around.

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