(14) Sunday Lessons

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Isn't he yummy?!^


"You don't have to go, ya know." Kristina told me. Yes I did. I wasn't going to go back on my word. I promised I'd help, and Isaac had gotten so excited about the last time I helped him, I couldn't disappoint him. He had done so good on the last exam.

Even if I wanted to avoid his roommate. I still hadn't cracked last night. I tried so hard to not cry over him, and I had succeeded. Good Sofia. Don't cry over a stupid boy. But he wasn't just a stupid boy, and you know it... yes he was. Very much so. No matter how many times you wanna plead to it being something different.

"Yeah, I kinda do. I promised him I'd go." I informed Kristina as I grabbed my backpack.

"But what if he-who-shall-not-be-named is there?" She asked me with a frown. To be honest, I didn't know what I would do. I didn't know what he would do. Would he even do anything? Or would he just plain out ignore me. Ugh. I hated not knowing. I always knew.

"It's his apartment too, you know. Surprise! He might be at his own place." I said sarcastically. I prayed to the gods above that he wasn't there though.

"Do you need me to come for moral support?" She puckered her lips at me in thought. I knew she wanted to see Isaac, and I felt bad disappointing her. It was either have her there, and get nothing done, or make sure Isaac aces the next test.

"You can see him tonight, I'll sleep in my car or something." I told her.

"No need, actually. Nathan's going back to the dorms tonight." She said bitterly. I winced at the words but covered it up with a shrug.

"Good for him, and you guys. You two need some alone time anyway." I replied. I wouldn't let it affect me. I wouldn't let it affect me. Nope. It didn't affect me.

"That's...it?" Kristina eyed me closely. I nodded as if I was trying to convince myself.

"Yeah...I mean, we kissed. It's not like I have a claim on him. He can do whatever he wants, he's a big boy." I said.

"I'm sorry that it's not as easy for you and Nathan as it was for me and Isaac..." Kristina stated. Huh? There was no me and Nathan. There was me. And then there was Nathan. We didn't go together.

"It's not easy because it's obviously not meant to be. I gotta go, see you later, K." I said and grabbed my keys from the hook.

"You're wrong, S." Kristina called out but I just rolled my eyes with a sigh as I closed the door behind me. Maybe in that moment I thought I was right. I thought I'd stand by my decision and deny anything and everything I was starting to feel for Nathan. But I mean come on, it's not like he was making it any easier.

He must've been in denial 10x more than I was.


Thank to the fucking God he wasn't there. That would've made for an awkward introduction. We hadn't talked since the kiss, keep in mind it was only last night though. I didn't know if we would talk period.

He didn't talk to me for two weeks for almost kissing me. How long was the real deal?

"Thanks a ton for coming, you're amazing." Isaac said as he opened the door for me. I had texted him on my way, as a subtle way of asking if Nathan was home to know if we were gonna have any distractions. He had said Nathan left over an hour ago to go on a run. I was happy to learn that. I hopefully wouldn't even see him then.

"Of course, now let's make sure you ace that test." I tried not to wince when the soapy mixed with spice from Nathan's cologne wafted into my nose. The damn apartment smelled like him. Even when he wasn't around, he was always there.

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