(12) Halloween

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Hey kinky slut ;) how are ya? Soooo a bit of a time jump from here...we're going from the middle of October to Halloween, if you haven't read the title^ lol. Anyway, that's Sofia's costume for the night: keep in mind she's NOT the innocent one a lot of people tend to write about. She knows she's sexy and embraces it.

I mean, she still feels dirty afterwards, but temptations a bitch. I'll also probs insert a pic of Kristina's costume and Isaac's not in this chapter and she was a little busy to be looking at Nathan's costume😉. Also, that's ONE of the songs playing during the chapter, and my favorite song right now lol sooo feel free to check it out & if you're still reading this long intro I promised I wouldn't do anymore...just know if you've been with me through these 12 chapters and read them all: I love you. With all my heart. & I wish I could meet you and squeeze your cheeks and hug you real tight

But as for the chapter...it's a rollercoaster, happy at the beginning, intense in the middle, and a little bit of broken heartedness at the end...all will be fixed in good time! Promise & don't hate me please love you


As I woke up on October 31, a big smile stretched across my face. I loved Halloween. It was my second favorite holiday, next to Christmas of course.

When I lived in Sussex, you better believe my dad and I decorated the house with anything and everything Halloween. It was our favorite holiday, together.

Then, me and my mom loved going all out for Christmas. We were Christmas junkies together, and my dad and I were Halloween junkies together. It seemed fitting, that my two favorite holidays just brought me closer to my parents.

This was my first Halloween away from home, and can I just say, it felt weird. It felt weird not decorating for the occasion. Because, there wasn't much you could decorate in this apartment.

It also felt weird not laughing my ass off when my dad used to scare the little kids that came at our door. But, the last few years, he had been working on Halloween, so Chelsea would tell me about a Halloween party and we did that instead.

As for the night of Isaac and Kristina's one month, Nathan and I hadn't really talked much ever since then. Disappointing, I know. Which just led me to believe that as much as I wanted him, I knew that once I had him, he would let it affect our friendship. Can't say I wouldn't either.

We had a good thing going, getting intimate would only jeopardize that. Especially since commitment was not something I was looking for anytime soon. After Seth, I hadn't really dated anyone else.

You can't get hurt if you don't put yourself in a situation to get hurt, that's what I believed anyway.

But that was also weeks ago, we hadn't talked much in two weeks. All because we almost kissed. Was it worth it? No. Not if it meant losing the friendship I had grown to love. I actually looked forward to bitch with Nathan about Isaac and Kristina's shameless shows of affection.

I wouldn't let that ruin my Halloween though, there was a party tonight, and I knew better than to take drinks from anyone this time. Supervised drinks, if even that, only tonight. My main focus was finding a guy to help me relieve some sexual tension. Tension that I couldn't help but admit had to do with a certain hazel-eyed boy who had been ignoring me for two weeks.

It hurt, I'll admit. More than I'd care to admit, actually. It was only because I missed our friendship. Not because it was a sign of rejection. At least, that's what I kept telling myself anyway... Rejected before I even tried. Damn.

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